
Two Kids Awaiting Surgery

by  |  earlier

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Two kids are lying on stretchers in the hospital outside of the operating room. They are the first surgeries of the day. One boy leans over to the other and says, "What are you in here for?" The other replies, "I have to have my tonsils taken out." The first says, "Oh, that's an easy one. I had it done when I was four. After you come out of surgery, they give you all the jell-o and ice cream you can eat." The second returns the question, "What are you in here for?" The replies, "Circumcision." The second responds, "Good luck with that. I had that done when I was born. Afterwards, I couldn't walk for a year."





  2. Ha ha ill tell my sister that one

  3. haha

  4. Lord Vader approves. Helmets rule.  ROFLMAO.  I am going to post this on our circlist and intercirc groups.  they will get a chuckle out of this .  thanks.

  5. This was a good one.

    You get a star.  

  6. LOL! Kids!

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