
Two Rat Questions? Cages and rats ?

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First, I need a rat cage big enough for two rats, can someone reccomend a few?

Second, I'm getting two rats, should they be 2 females or 2 males. I've heard females are more shy but more frendly.





  1. well my aunt put her two rats in a 10 gallon tank.but i think thats a little to small for two.....try a 20 gallon it would be plenty of room.if you cant afford it get a 10 gallon i mean its 2 rats they will acompeny eachother so 10 gallon wouldnt hurt them.i would pesonly go with two males they tend to be more frienly but make sure you dont get older rats and put them together they will probaly kill eachother.get two brothers that are babys in the same cage at the pet store or breeder.good luck!

  2. i have had over 6 rats before and the 2 MALES is the way to go they wont fight and if they do like my do every once and a while its because of territory and they don't hurt each other at all any person that has had male rats will tell u its better with males

    the females are not shy they are aggressive and mean they will be more tempted to bit and the females and the ones who will fight

    and as far as cages go rats have ammonia in their pee so u don't want a aquarium u want a cage that is about the size of ur wingspans so that u can fill it with toys, chew toys, hammocks and whole bunch of stuff... rats are a awesome pet I'm so glad u want to get one!!!

    hope everything works out!!:P

  3. 2 females will give you active curious pets who are fun to watch but not usually real snuggly...

    2 males will be more sedate in the cage but generally snuggle bugs. (males are generally friendlier than females simply because males like to snuggle while girls like to explore.

    in terms of cages.

    bigger is better and get somethign with 1/2 inch bar spacing (bigger and they can squeeze through)

    machioro Rene cages are great for rats!  i LOVE machioro cages!

    many chinchilla cages are good...

    ferret cages are great but might require modification for the bar spacing.

  4. 2 males will fight to go with the females for less of a chance for fighting. i used an aquarium with a screen lid that latches. make sure its big enough....mine was a 75 gallon

  5. well i dont know bout cages but they are very friendly lol once in class the rats were doing it lmao so anyways either way and lol i woulndt get hamsters they smell,bite,c**p alot

  6. Here's a tip when buying a rat cage. Look for cages that are designed specifically for ferrets, as they will be large and roomy, usually with multiple floors. Rats need lots of room to run around, so aim for something that is about 2-3 ft wide and about 3-5 ft high.

    Next, I don't really think it matters too much whether you have two males or females as long as you have two or more. I personally have raised more male rats in pairs than females because they tend to be more sociable, easily tamed, and less likely to fight. I wouldn't say that all females kept in pairs fight, that certainly wasn't the case with some of mine, but I did have a few more bad behaved females than I did males. It really depends on your preference. Males are typically known to be more cuddly and affectionate than females, and so far, I have found that to be true. Hope I have helped you out some, goodluck!

  7. just a wire cage 1/2 in" holes because rats can break their legs... either a wide one story, or a wide two story... but if you decide to get a level cage then make sure it has a lot of doors to get a hold of your rats... i  prefer females because they love to play and don't stink but males settle down easier  and will fall asleep on your lap.  

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