
Two Thicko's won £100,000 scratch card?

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They won £100'000 scratch card one year ago live in council house they had rent arrears they never paid. The money has all gone there is £40'00 they cannot acount for, They want help with there rent & council tax hand outs. They are still in arrears with the rent. They bought a static caravan for £22'000 in a year its gone down to £7'000 I dont think so. Do you think the tax payer should help them out Bless Them I think we can see where a lot of the money went FOOD.




  1. Another story invented by the media to sell papers ????

    Who knows ?!

  2. They should move out of their house and live in the caravan then they wont have to pay rent lmao

    The whole system is wrong but you wonder what the difference is from someone scrounging a pittance when you get politicians abusing their position and lining their pockets with millions.


  3. if they're looking for sympathy's in the dictionary between and syphillis

  4. Did you see them on GMTV today? He's sooooo slow! Greedy b*astards spent the money on £8K holidays, a caravan, £12K rent arrears (where did their previous benefits go, obviously not towards the rent). It's their own stupid, fat fault. Let them rot in their sticking caravan, and good on the council for not giving them benefits. Scrounging f*ckers.

  5. Yes - a sympathy-free zone this question is...but suspect misguided envy (Britains favourite pastime) follows behind it!

  6. You know, as each day goes by I think to myself surely nothing else on the news can take my breath away and then you get this!   These people should have turfed out of their council flat when they won the money, through their own stupidity they now have nothing left - go live in the caravan I say and buzz off.  Oh and I have tendinitis in both rotator cuffs and the pain is excruciating and if I was not retired I doubt it would have stopped me going into work.

  7. always the way  - sell the caravan - pay their arrears and find something they can do - my friend has a frozen shoulder but still works.  Stop the handouts etc

  8. I read this story awhile ago,greedy fat b******s

    cant work coz of frozen shoulder...bollox!!

  9. s***w 'em - they should sell the caravan, pay off their debt then get back to work.

  10. no I am sick of paying tax and not getting any fun sod them.

  11. ive got a frozen shoulder!!!!!!! i didnt realise that meant i could doss off work for years,,,, im off down the doctors today to get signed off....

  12. How the h**l did they manage to run up rent arrears of £12,000 without being evicted? They don't need the coucil flat now they have a static caravan they can live in that and let someone worthy of the flat have it. I had a frozen shoulder, everytime I moved my arm it took my breath away, but I got on with things, helped my husband fit part of our kitchen, decorated the living room and my daughters room. Why can't they get a job in a supermarket as a cashier, then they could sit on their fat asses all day and earn money at the same time.

    They don't want to work they want to live on handouts.

  13. Perhaps we're the thickos for paying our taxes and our rent. The Muppets will probably end up getting benefits paid for by the Great British taxpayer!

  14. Let them live in the caravan and like all who do.Class them has


  15. lol this question is a sympathy-free zone.

    Understandable I suppose.

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