
Two Volleyball Questions !Need Help To Answer Please ASAP!?

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Okay..I have like a game tomorrow. I'm nominated for captain I have to be the first one suggesting a cheer for the team. I feel kinda akward to be the only girl on my team to not do the actions for "We want another one, just like the other one!" cheer, can somebody tell me the actions for that? I am in Grade 7, and we are versing against Grade 8's, so is there any tips for my team mates and I? Like we don't suck much, but I hate to admit it, and, must of my team mates admit it for me, but, we do kinda suck. LIke there's this one girl that doesn't seem to even try. She goes for the ball, and she bumps it. But she doesn't bump with knees bended, it's just her arms, and that bump doesn't go very far. Is there any tips for a new junior high team, versing more experienced Grade 8's? And any cheers?




  1. well for as a captain. cheers would help to level up the confidence of the player. but for me the best cheer i've ever heard was. when they shouting my name to go for it. just simple. because they believe that i do. or try to cheers. like go (name of the team) boom boom boomboom. try it might it work.

  2. for an ace cheer my team goes yaaaa 123 or uno dos tres say what say what ace. my fave cheer is this......there was a little froggy sitting on a wal cheering for the other team he had no since at all fell into the water bumped his little head and when he came back up again this is wat he said he said go go go go u mighty----------(team name or mascot) fight fight fight fight u mighty--------- win win win u mighty----------- go fight win until we meet again hey! then theres u gotta pass to set u gotta set to spkie u got spike to win so lets win hey!

    hoped that helped :)

  3. oh thats cool is ur school private

  4. i have a cheer for your team "(you)pump,pump,pump it up(team)pump,pump,pump it up.(you) pump that ____(whatever your mascot or school name is) (team) pump that____(whatever your mascot or school name is). (you)keep,keep,keep it up.(team)keep,keep,keep it up.(you)keep that____(whatever your mascot or school name is). (team)keep that____(whatever your mascot or school name is). (you) pump to the pump to pump pump it up(you are gonna say this kinda fast to give it a hip hop feel).(team) pump to the pump to pump pump it up.(you) keep to the keep to keep keep it up.(team) keep to the keep to keep keep it up.

    (you)now hush.(everyone together) you dont want to mess with us now say (you) booya, booya. (team) booya,booya. trust me its a really cool cheer when you get it right

  5. There's a cheer we use sometimes, (VERY COMMON), it just goes like this:

    Pump pump, pump it up, bump and bump and bump it up! Go team! (cheer)

    Then when you have an ace there's a million ones for that one, we have/had one that went like this:

    Aaaaahh-Ace! (basically we just walked into the middle and pancaked our hands)

    You could make up your own motions for these as well!

  6. i know i'm late but before every game my team goes

    (1-2 people) P-U-M-P

    (all) pump it up pump it up

    (do it like 4 times)

    & at the end we go

    P-U-M-P 1,2,3 _______ (mascot)

  7. well i kno alot of volleyball u mean like a song or just 1 2 3 words or something?!

    well here is the first on it is called Jig-a-low

    u sing it like this






    [one person]

    1-hey "name"

    2-Hey wat

    1-let me see u jig-a-low

    2-no way

    1-let me see you jig-a-low


    2-my hands are high my feet are low and this is how i jig-a-low[they dance or something]

    [and repeat with everyone]

    the second song is called asics


    do it do it


    do it do it

    well her name is "name"

    do it do it

    she can do the ascics

    do it do it

    she can turn around touch the ground get back up and beak it down


    do it do it

    the person u say has to do the trun around touch the ground thing and everybody is saying it together and u repeat for the whole team

    the 3rd one is little salley walker

    Little sally walker walking down the street

    she didnt kno wat to do so she stoped in front of me

    and said

    Hey girl do your thing do your thing switch

    hey girl do ur thing do your thing switch

    everyone gets in a circle and one person is in the middle and they walk in a circle until u say she stoped in front of me and she dances in front of 1 perosn and then when u sing switch they switch and the person the 1st person was dancing in front of has to do wat the 1st person did to her and then the 2nd person is in the middle now and u repeat with everybody

    i hope i helped u out in anyway and if u want more contact me cause i kno a couple more

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