
Two Weeks Notice Procedure?

by  |  earlier

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I'm pretty close to accepting a new job offer, it could come as early as tomorrow. When/if that happens, I'm planning to hand in my two weeks notice. I've written out the letter, and I'm completely happy with that, but I just don't know how to approach it with my boss directly. I'm not sure I can just hand them the letter without saying anything. I just need an idea of what to say. Also, I'm planning to give a copy to my department manager and human resources, should I give it to anyone else. Thank you.




  1. You ask your manager if you can speak to them confidentially and then you tell him while giving him the letter. He will know if there is anyone else you should speak to.

  2. You should definitely say first that you have the letter of your resignation and you should say that it was a great experience and a privilege to work there but that you have accepted a new job offer .. don't say or write anything have not even got the new job for sure. make sure that you sign the contract about the other job and don't hand in your letter of resignation.  as long as you have no signed contract with that company .. they can say they changed their mind and at the last minute you can end up jobless so ensure you get a work contract signed and the other company who made you a job offer they know that only a fool would give their notice at work without them having given you a contract to say.. you are really employed at the new company..  so don't do anything tomorrow ..  get that contract signed first so you really know for certain that the job is in your hands.. then talk to the boss first and tell him in person and a day after that .. give him the letter of resignation it is better to tell him first but only after you really have a new job.. and signed the contract. You may always need your manager or the boss where you work now for references..  so ask if you can give his name as a reference .. should you need it in the future.. then the boss if he agrees to that can only say positive things on the phone about you.  and your boss .. you need his office phone number and his name to give to a prospective new employer and then he can phone your boss and ask...  about a reference.. it's done over the phone . If you don't ask your boss if you can name him as a reference that is not very polite and he could refuse or he could say what he wants but if he agrees after you ask then he only is allowed to say positi ve things about you..  xc

  3. I would say you have done most of what you need to do. All you need to do now is go in and tell your boss you have accepted an offer at another place and are there to hand in your notice or resignation. Ask him/her if you need to do anything else to complete the process. Hopefully you will work something out with them for you to return incase it does not work out. Above all, do not burn bridges. You never know if you will need it down the road for a recommendation or a job.

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