
Two Year old bad behaviour?

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I have a daughter that is 13 and I started over with my 2nd husband and now have a 2 yr old boy. As a baby, he was as sweet as he can be. But now, he is into everything and pitches the most incredable fits. It doesn't help that he has half siblings that are 17, 14, 13, and 5. My daughter and my husbands children. He has picked up the worst habits, such as name calling, saying shut up and hitting. He hits me all the time when he is frustrated. His older half brother pushes him and sometimes hits him which we correct immediately. But when the 2 yr old does it, nothing seems to work. Whether it is time out, taking away things or a swat on the butt. Any advice is appreciated.




  1. The terrible two's. Ahh. When he throws a fit or doea anything unexceptable take him to his room and sit him down and tell him that your not coming back until he stops crying. If that doesn't work set up a "Think Time" that's where you pick a QUIET place for your son to think about what he did wrong, if he doesn't stay in that place let him go where he wants and sooner or later he'll calm down and come out. When  he comes out tell him "I think that you should say sorry too...(Name) (Ex.Mommy,Sissy,Daddy,Brother,ect) But when he says a hurtfull thing pick him up and tell him that those words are going to get him into BIG trouble and he needs to stop NOW.

  2. that's a tough one, a two year old is hard no matter what and like you said they love to imitate the older kids.  I think you might need to try and get the other kids on board?  have them help you show him it's not funny.  the supper nanny would say consistancy consistancy consistancy and it takes a couple of weeks of really hard work on your part to kick bad habits.  I've liked 1-2-3 Magic and Love and Logic for Parents with Toddlers.

  3. Your child is only learning what goes on inside his home.  Obviously you allow your children call one another names, to hit, kick and push.  Also he is in the middle of "ther terrible twos" and it is quite normal for him to pitch's up to YOU to ignore them because they are designed to get your attention.  Of course in a house with that many children he probably needs to fight in order to get any attention.  I know what I'm talking about, I have 6 siblings.

  4. you have to really hurt his feelings- whack him with a wooden spoon or stick him in a cot for the rest of the day

  5. I have the same problem with my 3 year old son nothing seems to help me either! I need help with this one also good luck!

  6. you haave to let him know that your the mom and yuor in charge not him!

  7. Call the Super Nanny.

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