
Two black lines just appeared on my 2 yr. old nieces bottom teeth this morning, WHAT is it ?!?

by  |  earlier

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ON the actual tooth, not the gums. We scrubbed and scrubbed and they are not going anywhere. They were NOT there last night, they just appeared there seemingly overnight!

WHAT could this possibly be?!


thanks :)




  1. this is a very hard question to answer without a picture.  I suggest having a dentist look at the teeth

  2. kids get this all the time. It is a very common pediatric dental complaint. it is called 'black line stain.' it doesn't come off with a soft toothbrush. take her for a cleaning ( if she's not scared, she's awfully little)- it's not pathological. if you can't get her to sit in a dental chair yet for a cleaning don't worry about it.

  3. plack brush he or hers teeth VERY well and then if not go go to dintes

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