
Two children staying at fathers house for hols father not looking after them proper?

by  |  earlier

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two boys aged 14 and 16 staying at there fathers for couple weeks in the summer holidays. the father is taking no responsibilitys in my eyes as to the welfare of both boys. 14 year old ringing mother, reporting no food in fridge, dad is not there when the kids should be having meals,kids often go to bed without father being there at all, out on the beer quite often coming home late. mother is very concerned what can i do or say as not to cause to much distress to kids? would social services be an option or would it make it worse, do not really want to go down that route if at all possible.




  1. To be honest with you, I couldn't read all of this. I guess im just a fan of complete sentences.

  2. If you can go to the house to check the situation, but approach it gently. Just say you've been asked by the mother to check on the boys. Have a talk with the father about how he is coping etc and talk to the boys on how they are feeling and how things are going. If you are unsatisfied with the way in which the father seems to be looking after the boys ring a relative of the boys to come and stay with them or take the boys to the relative =)

  3. You need to call Social Services anonymously.  They will go out immediately and determine the situation.  If bad they call you and they are yours.  You can then stop him from having such long visitation rights.. Neither your children nor their father needs to know that you did this.  Please call anything can happen!.. There shouldn't be any distress on the kids. Future visitation will have to be changed especially not overnight.  Please you are the only one who can save your children!!  Good Luck

  4. The mother needs to report this NOW! This is absolutely RIDICULOUS, and the dad needs to be charged with child neglect and endangerment (no food). If the mother doesn't call this in NOW she should also be charged.

  5. well if they are only there for a couple of weeks dcf would not help .they take forever,and by that time children would be home.I think mother should have went over what is to be done with them over summer ,father is not full time dad so he does not know how to be.Mom should call him or someone close to him and share concerns with him and see if he can change ,if not Mom should note everything and call police and go there and pick boys up.The children allready have stress so that wont change but mybe father can get it together for them .Good Luck

  6. call social services


    if cps is called, the mother can be charged with child endangerment for leaving them with an unfit parent.

    then tell dad future visits will be supervised until he gets it together

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