
Two days late, two negative pregnancy tests. ?

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Hey everyone! Now, I'm sure this question has been asked before, but I need some clarity for myself, if you know what I mean. I am 23 years old and engaged to an amazing man. We have been together for almost two years. We suffered a miscarriage last year(Feb. 07). With that pregnancy, I took the test early and it came back positive. One week later, it was over. So now that you have a little background 411 here is my situation. I am two days late. I was due for my period on August 19th. I have never been late, most of the time I'm a day ahead of schedule. My cycle is 29 days. For the last week or so, my b*****s feel very sore, and almost heavy/full if that makes sense. I've also been using the bathroom a lot more, constipated, tired...and of course, I have a missed period. Now...I have taken two pregnancy tests. One I took on the 19th bc I noticed I didn't have cramps or came out negative. So, like the directions said, I waited until this morning. Well, actually I took it around 3 this morning bc I had to pee so bad and had already been asleep for a decent amount of time. Just like the other one, it was negative too. I know this is not my mind playing tricks on me bc I wasn't even thinking about the possibility of being/getting pregnant until I missed my period. Has this happened to anyone else and turned out you were pregnant?




  1. it happens all the time )

  2. Heya

    2 days after your missed period may give you a false negative, i would wait 7 days then test again. =] x*x

  3. I've gone through his a few times and each time my period either never came or came late, but I was not pregnant.

    I would wait a few days and then take another pregnancy test. It might be too early to tell.

    If you are still having symptoms and are worried, call your doctor for a full exam.

  4. The symptoms you're experiencing sound more like PMS symptoms than early pregnancy symptoms. I've had two babies and three pregnancies, and I've never had a false negative test. I've always taken my pregnancy tests a day or two before my missed period as well.

    I did have a friend, however, that hadn't quite missed her period, but swore to me that she "felt" pregnant. She took four tests that all came back negative, waited two days, went to the doctor, was told she wasn't pregnant, and came home swearing she was.

    A few days later she took another test and it came back positive.

    So I guess anything is possible. Her beautiful little boy is three years old now!

  5. You will fall back when you here my story.  When I was pregnant with my 7  year old girl I knew something was wrong but didnt pay attention. then I was a week late, and I took a pregnancy test-positive.  With my four year old son, my cousin had bought a pregnancy test for her (there was two in a pack) she took one and it came out negative.  She dared me to take one just to do it (i just knew I wasnt prego! but there was the lightest line I ever saw in my life!  so I didnt believe it.  Either way it kept nagging at me so I went to the doctors and they said i was preg but not preg.  I was actually only about 3 days pregnant!  Now after being on depo for four years getting off to get on the patch then finally getting on the IUD I gt pregnant!  I felt funny, but how on earth could I be on the IUD.  I took like 10 pregnancy test all negative.  on the twelve i got an infection from the IUd went to the emergancy and they had to take it out because it was placed wrong, and they took a test and came out positve. I'm a month pregnant!!! I found out on the 12th was 5 days late with negative untill i took the test at the emergancy room!

  6. Patience.....I know you are anxious but stressing will make your period later if you are not pregnant. If you are the stress of being so worked up isn't good for you or the baby. Wait a few more days. Relax. Getting too worked up can cause you to have a false pregnancy which IMO is just as bad as a miscarriage.

      Relax relax relax.  

  7. Wait a week then go to the Doctor if you still haven't had your period!  The doctor will take a test and will know pretty much for sure if you are pregnant! Good luck! :-)

  8. it always takes a couple days after your missed period for the hcg hormone to get into your urine. two days past wouldn't be enough for a normal test to pic up. wait a few more days and if you dont get your period test again

  9. Most likely, your period is just late.  Even if you've always been on time in the past, there are numerous things that can cause you to ovulate late.  If you ovulate late, you either get a late period, or your pregnant but again because of late ovulation it's too early for the HPT to detect the pregnancy.

    When a woman is in this stort of position, there's nothing you can do but wait.  The "standard" procedure is to give AF another week.  If she hasn't come, you use another HPT.  If the HPT is still negative, you just keep repeating the process until either other REAL signs of pregnancy suggest you go get a blood test (because everything else you've so far listed can be just as much a sign of pending AF or any one of a list of minor illnesses as it is a sign of pregnancy).

  10. In November 07 I didn't feel pregnant, and I never got a postitive test, but my period was late. So I just chalked it up to stress with the holidays coming on and such. Right after Thanksgiving, I had a miscarriage @ around 7 weeks.

  11. I took a test when I was about 4 days late and the line thats always supposed to be there whether you are pregnant or not wasnt. The line that is only there if you are pregnant was really dark. It was really hard to tell. Wait a few more days, get two tests and take them both. It probably is just to early to detect HGC. (the pregnancy hormone). Hope this helps!  

  12. Try to take your pregnancy test in the morning. I also just recently found out that I am pregnant and I might be like 3 to 5 week pregnant. I also used 2 tests and they came up negative but I used them before I went to bed. I waited 3 days and then right when I woke up in the morning I took the test and found out. I've been having almost the same symptoms as  you. Hope everything goes well. Good Luck!  

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