
Two different due dates, and scheduling c section! Advice please!!!?

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I am a first time mom, and my baby is breech so the doc said she wants to schedule the c section one week early because she does not want me to go into labor and have an emergency one. But my question is at the first ultra sound i had at about 6 weeks they gave me a due date of Sept 14th. However i have had 6 ultra sounds since then and they all gave me a date of Sept 6th. But the doc never changed my date, just every appointment she says i am measuring a week ahead...So my question is which is correct? If i wait till the second date it will be 7 days past my first due date! I am already dilated to one and fear emergency c section! Advice????




  1. We have the same due date..sept 6!!! :) if your baby is born now she/he won't be too early everything would still be fine so don't worry about that. What day is your dr saying to go? She would know best, she has seen the U/S some drs don't listen to them.  

  2. My advice would be to call your Dr. and explain the situation completely. Then tell her to explain her answer in the easiest way possible. Sometimes Dr.s explinations aren't nearly as informative as we would like to hear. If your most recent ultrasound has shown a possible breached birth and your kiddo hasn't moved around since then I would write that information down and keep it in your purse and if you start having contractions or your water breaks you can make sure and tell the Paramedics whats going on. They can call medical control and give you medications to stop the contractions until you get to the hospital and have your C-Section done!


  3. i had the EXACT same situation, I has 2 different due dates one week apart. My son was breech they went with thr soonest due date and scheduled the c-section one weel prior to that date. It was March 13th and i had him on March 2nd. I was one cm dialted, he was born healthy 9 pounds 1 ouce. This was my first child also. I would say it would be the sept 6th, sometimes they dont change the date in the charts but go by the ultrasounds, weight, measurements, etc. You will be fine. Just follow what your doctor thinks will be best.  

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