
Two fisty conure's?

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i have to peach fronted conure's i regreated gettin them the first day i got them.they bite scream and are brats.i have worked with them seperated them everything nuthing works.i might just try selling them to a more experienced person.i have only had parakeets.they say conures are starter birds and there realy not expecialy if you have two.i dunno what to do i have had them for two weeks and no results can you help me?




  1. where do you live i'll take em.

  2. Truthfully? If you're struggling as much as you're expressing then giving them away to someone who has more experience is probably best.

    By all means am I not trying to make you feel bad that you're unable to properly take care of them. Rather, you're a very noble person to acknowledge you've tried everything & cannot help with the matter.

    When you do decide [if, you do] to give them away, please make sure they're going to someone who is especially knowledgable with conures. Good luck.

    If you feel you're able to keep them & work with them more, I'd recommend a bird trainer. They can help out lots.

  3. I would suggest calling a pro. I'd call Omar's Exotic Birds (there's a link below) and ask to talk to one of their bird experts. You could also email them. They only deal with exotic birds and would probably have some good suggestions. I can tell you that when you have two birds, they have a tendency to bond to one another and are usually more aggressive towards people. If they've already bonded to each other, it may not be the best for the birds to be separated either. I can tell you that I have a conure and he would OWN me if I allowed him to. A lot of birds have a domineering trait and will try to dominate the owner. You have to be the boss, and that can be hard to do. My bird understands the word "no", but still sometimes just doesn't care and does it anyhow. He is also unfortunate downside to having a conure....they're just loud and there isn't much that can be done about it. Esp w/ 2 responding to one another. I've had my conure for 17 years now and regretted getting him on the first day too. Birds take a lot of work, but the relationship is worth it. Very rewarding. I wouldn't trade him for anything now so hang in there. And if it just doesn't work, please try to keep the birds together. Most birds mate for life and being separated could have detrimental effects on the birds.

  4. You've had them for only two weeks and you're already at your wits end? Training doesn't happen overnight honey. If you want them to become super-cuddly birds you have to work with them for years. Usually, when people say "I've tried EVERYTHING and NOTHING works!" it means they've tried a little bit of "this" for a short amount of time and move on to a little bit of "that" if it doesn't work. Jumping around with training like that only gets a bird confused and the owner frustrated. Of course you're not getting anywhere with training! The trainer has to be CONSISTANT with what they are doing.

    Info I need:

    What are the bird's background(s)?

    How old?


    Daily routine?

    Cage layout/position?

    Have you heared of clickering?

    What you need to do:

    Start over with the birds, don't attempt to train them for a week. Just use sweet talk and care for them.

    I trained my budgie by taking her out every morning for 10-15 min. The first session is always the most difficult, just keep it short and the bird happy/upbeat. My birds know everything from the "big eagle" to "which one's yellow?". Never give up on your birds, proper training isn't something that should be kept secret. Please contact me through my profile so I can help you further!

    I wish you luck!
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