
Two friends fighting...?

by  |  earlier

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I have two friends that are in a fight with eachother. They have been like best friends for 2+ years and now they won't even talk to eahother. The worst thing is that they always say really bad things about the other one to me. The fight didn't even have a proper reason to why it started it just kind of did. They are just growing futher apart. I'm upset because I know that they are both not happy and want to friends again but they are both being stuborn. Any advice would be greatly appreciated thanks. By the way i'm 14.




  1. There's nothing really you can do, except refuse to take sides. Tell them, "I don't like that you guys are fighting, and I don't want you to do it when I'm around. I'm not going to take sides. Both of you are my friends."  

  2. Tell them that they are both acting like babies

  3. Why don't you fight with them about it?

  4. you yourself tell to them and make them understand that they are no more kids.

  5. it will blow over

    dont choose sides

    and hmm

    just make them remember the good times

  6. If they won't talk to eachother or in front of each other, let sleeping dogs lie.

    Don't get into the mess, and if you want to get out of this with two friends instead of one, I'd just say you get out of that mess fast. They'll make up soon, and if not, it was their choice to end it. You can keep them as friends even if they aren't friendly.

    Tell your friends that you don't want to hear anything bad about the other person. They'll come around.

  7. my friends did this a couple years ago( was 14 ish at the time too)... unfortunately i ended up losing a friend in the mess. :| don't take a side. Don't let that happen. They'll either sort it out or the wont. You'd probably be better off not worrying about it. Best thing you can do is spend equal amounts of time with each so that neither of them think you're taking a side.Thats what happened to me, and its not worth it to lose a friend because of something not your fault.

  8. just make them talk to each other,by making them remember the great times they had in each other's company,let them open up yheir hearts and let them feel that friendship is a matter of affection but not perfection for no one is perfect in this woeld..........

  9. Choose a day, and call one of them and be like " hey wanna hang out? meet me at ------at --- o clock" then do the same with the other one! it should all work out. then LEAVE A NOTE TO that place that says" you are not leaving until both you stubborn girls are gonna sort this out"

    no need to tell me im genius

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