
Two gardens separated by paling fence one owner plants privet hedge, who is responsible for cutting hedge ?

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Two gardens separated by paling fence one owner plants privet hedge, who is responsible for cutting hedge ?




  1. Actually no one. You may trim your side or not. The 'planter' may do the same. There are no rules, commonsense usually prevails. Usually.

  2. I think there is some sort of legality arbour being responsible for either the left or the right side of the border to your property

    However it is always bets if neighbours actually talk to each other about such issues . I would never think of putting up any fence or hedge without telling my neighbours , indeed I did just that when I had fences erected a few years ago

    The easiest thing to do is cut your own side and half way across the top , after all both parties do gain from having the fence or hedge  

  3. The person who planted it.

  4. Sheesh they have to plant it AND maintain it?

    I have one neighbor that moved in and put up a fence and asked me to pay for some of it since it will benefit me too. I didn't have the funds so I declined.

    That neighbor THEN proceeded to bring fruits and vegetables to my home as gifts.

    Another neighbor moved in last year after a long time neighbor moved to a nursing home. That neighbor proceeded to take some paint and paint ALL the grafitti in the neighborhood INCLUDING my90  linear foot fence, the neighbors 60 foot linear fence....

    Then they had the gall to tell me I didn't need to pull the weeds from the sidewalk and gutter besides their house.

    I told them they didn't have to paint all the graffiti in the neighborhood too.

    Oh the other neighbor? The one that paid for the fence and brought fruits and vegetables?

    I mow their lawn and watch their house, and them now that they have gotten old and there is not ANYTHING I wouldn't do for them ad their family.

    If someone went to the trouble and expense to put up a privacy fence that benefits BOTH of you. YES if it is on THEIR property they are responsible for cutting it.

    IF you don't feel neighborly to help I can sure understand WHY they felt the need to do so.

    Otherwise GET OUT THERE and help out. Especially if they are old or busy or have a hard time with it and would appreciate the help.

    Stop being the reason people plant privacy hedges and start being the reason they WANT to live there.

  5. The person who planted it but if it grows on to your property it is legal to cut off the bits as long as you put them back in the owners land.

    Just cut them off and throw them over the hedge.

    All within the law.  

  6. You are allowed to trim anything that touches your property. That's the bottom line you need to go by, and this includes anything hanging over your property line. If the privet hedge side that faces you becomes leggy, you have every right to keep it in shape. The neighbor who planted the fence should have the roots on his/her property, not in an easement or on your property. Hence, S/he is the party who will ultimately decide how high the hedge grows, and will be responsible for keeping his/her property side trimmed.  

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