
Two gerbils, split-cage method failed, will they fight?

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I have had one gerbil for about a little over a year, and another not quite as long. But, a long time ago (can't remember when, sorry), I tried to introduce them using the split-cage method, and when I introduced them, they began to fight. One day, one gerbil somehow got to the other side of the cage, and they fought almost till death, but luckily i found them and separated them right away. A couple of months ago I put them into the same cage again, but with the divider. Do you think that if I tried to introduce them again, they would fight?

Advice/tips would be greatly appreciated!





  1. May be it's best to leave them in separate cages, but side by side, so they can still smell, see & hear each other.

    Had a similar situation with dwarf hamsters who were siblings & parents.

    According to the books, were suppose to like living in groups.

    The solution was to give each one their own 'apartment', to stop the bullying, fightings and most importantly, more babies! was Rotastak, so the units were stacked on top of each other like a tower.

  2. introduce the two in a bathtub first to eliminate any territorial attitudes. speak softly to them and always end on a positive note. when they start to groom each other, they can live together. this can take a long time, but just stick with it good luck!  

  3. The gender plays an important role here. Females are far harder to place together than males are. Females don't do well with other female gerbils unless they have been raised together and even then they don't do well in any more than a pair. Males are easier to introduce with one another and do quite well with more than two.

    If it didn't work the first time, it is no indicator that it won't work again, however, it does tell you that it will take a lot of time and patience on your end to get it to work.  Again, females take a lot longer to introduce and often they don't ever get along.  For males, it is easier but it still may take a month or so of intros.  Just keep at it.

    Good luck to you!

  4. if it's the same gender ya it will fight if there r not the same gender then it is ok.

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