
Two kittens 3 weeks apart fighting, should we stop them?

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We have two kittens, one is three weeks older than the other and is a bit bigger than the other. The bigger one keeps jumping on the little one and fighting with it. The little one starts screaming sometimes and it gets really loud.

We don't want the bigger one to hurt the little one so should we stop their fighting or put the bigger one in time-out so he learns he shouldn't hurt the little one?

I've read to just let them fight but with the age and size difference, I dunno. What should we do?




  1. its a cat thing. one will want to become the more dominate. mine did that. unless it looks like they are really hurting each other or they start yelping, leave them to it. if it gets too much get a little water spray to spray at them. that'll separate them. it should calm down once they have established who's boss. I did put the bigger one of my cats out for a bit if it got too much and I think he learnt his lesson slightly but its part of nature. cats are very much like that. are they males? if so get them fixed as soon as you can if u werent going to already.

  2. Kittens and puppies will fight to get pecking order.  One is trying to be more dominant than the other. Unless you see them draw blood, I would just let them be. I had kittens and puppies that did that while they were young and then it stopped. There will always be a alpha male or female in your house if you have more than one animal.

  3. ABSOLUTELY NOT. Let them be. They are trying to assert who is the dominant one. If you separate them you will only see the fighting getting uglier and worst. Here's why : The stronger cat knows he can assert his domination but when you seperate them, you're not letting him pass the message to the other cat. So the next opportunity he will have, he will raise the violence of his message to be sure that the message gets through. If you, again, seperate them, he will raise the violence bar and it might get very ugly.

    Cat fight are very impressive but rarely harmfull. Yes they might end up scratched but that's how bad it will get. Have you ever eared of cat killing each other in a cat fight? Me neither!

    Now there is one exception to this. It's call stalking. One cat or many cat might stalked another cat and beat him constantly. But this must going on for more than 2 weeks straight with a lot of fighting going on.

    To help your cat you should provide them with places in height (cat trees, shelves, etc.) Let them go on the table, the pantrie, they are cat and needs to go in height. The dominant cat will take the higher spot and will leave the other cat down and not bothering him. If the dominant cat doesn't have higher spot to get on, he will want to own the floor, therefore pushing the other cat out of it!

    Have three litter placed in different room (level also). Be sure to place the litter as far as you can from the entry door of the room and be sure cats have a way to see the other cat coming and can escape.

    Play with them a lot at the same time and feed them together

    IF you see that they fight a lot during a day and that you little one seems to be tired, just seperate them for the night with their own litter and food to allowed them a good night sleep without being scared of being attacked.

    Let it be for 2 weeks and you'll see big improvement. Be patient. AND PLEASE - do not beleive people who say you should seperate them.  

  4. Just like two brothers or two sisters, it is natural to fight.  It makes the weakest one tougher.  I say let them play, and if it turns into nasty fighting that draws blood or pulls hair, get them apart and pre-occupy with other toys.    If it continues to be a nasty blood drawn battle, then get their claws removed (but only if inside cats).

  5. Cats don't understand Time Out.  

    Let them fight.  The littler one has to earn it's rep with the bigger one.  One day they will be the same size.  They aren't hurting each other.  Until you see blood, which likely won't happen, let them handle it.

  6. Uhh....if you wanna go to jail like that famous Basket Ball Player for animal fights and abuse, then go ahead an' let em' fight!!

  7. hes just bullying the little cat and showing him who's the boss. but you should watch them cause the bigger one could definitely hurt the smaller one!

  8. 3 weeks isnt that much difference, the little one will learn to fight back or the big one will just get bored with the lil 1 not doin anything. he wants to play.

  9. If you have one of those stick-and-feather toys use it to play with both of them at the same time. Let them take turns catching and chasing the toy. Or do you have a little catnip mouse that you can throw for both of them to chase?

    The idea here is to get them playing together and giving you a chance to say "Good Kitty" several times over again. The more you can play with both of them together the better. And the more you can compliment the bigger cat the better he will relate.

    See if that works and get back to your friends here on Y!A, ok?

  10. keep them apart until your sure that your little cat can defend itself. i mean wait till your younger cats body grows to a full cat. then let them play. your older cat is playing rough so dont wory. if they are both full size let them play.

  11. no i wouldnt just let them fight!

  12. i have a five year old cat and a 6 month old kitten and when they play the kittin like meows really loud but she is fine and when i brake it up she gets all upset and hides from me

    im sure thery fine =]

  13. I would break it up when they do it. He has to learn that he cannot do that. I break my cats up when they fight, which thankfully is not often. Which cat has been there longest, and what are the ages of the cats?

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