
Two maternity leave paychecks?

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my wife wants to take the maximum maternity leave from her job but then will be ready to work about 1 month into it. I want to make sure that it is legal to collect another paycheck while on maternity leave.




  1. If she is working then she is not considered on maternity leave anymore. Why would her employer pay her to work if she is collecting maternity leave? That doesn't make much sense. I would think the answer would be no it is not allowed. She can either choose to take all her maternity leave or she can go back to work early and collect a paycheck.

  2. No you cannot do that.. If you are working you dont need maternity leave.. I am in Canada.. I am assuming you are too because I dont think the U.S. offers maternity leave benefits. The government pays you for maternity leave.. also when you are working the government can see your taxes and how much you make.. it will be very obvious that she is working and therefore will not need maternity leave.

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