
Two men arrested in Denver; possible assassination plot; who would become the Democrat's nominee if...?

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According to:,21985,24243751-663,00.html

two men were arrested and suspected of a possible assassination plot against Obama...

IF Obama were assassinated BEFORE the official nomination, would the convention become an "open" convention for any & all to try for the spot?

OR, IF Obama was assassinated AFTER he was officially nominated, would Biden automatically become the official Democrat's nominee?

What are the rules for such a thing? Bobby Kennedy did not have the nomination wraped up by the time he was killed, did he?




  1. He should get a pope mobile if he wins.    We need a leader not a probable  marty.   Hillary was cleary the next logical step. McCain 08

  2. This is not a whole lot different than electing your class president.

    Robert's Rules of Order. Parliamentary Procedure. All that.

    Someone will place Obama's name into nomination.

    Someone else will "second" the nomination.

    Other names may or may not be placed into nomination and seconded.

    A vote will be taken.

    The winner becomes the official Party Nominee for the Office of US President.

    If something were to happen before the nomination process, God Forbid, then there would likely be several names, including Hillary Clinton's, placed into nomination.

    There would be a floor fight and a lot of backroom wheeling and dealing.

    The second scenario is that something would happen to Obama AFTER the convention had adjourned.

    Another convention would be logistically and financially impossible to organize in the short time before the election.

    The Democratic Party has elected State Party Chairmen and State Committeemen for each State, DC and the Territories.

    The Party Chairman (Howard Dean) could convene a meeting of that elected group, which he could expand, or not, with others such as the at-large Super Delegates, the members of the Rules Committee, or any other group he saw fit to include.

    They could elect a new Party standard bearer as the candidate for the election.

    Remember that in each State + DC, voters are actually voting for the ELECTORS, not the candidate, so the placement of the candidate's actual NAME on the ballot is a technical formality for the convenience of voters to avoid confusion.

    So even if this were done at the very last minute, people could still vote for the Democratic/Republican candidate and would not be voting for a dead person.

    Keep in mind that this process would be the same for the GOP.

    There is an equal threat at all times for both presidential candidates which is why the Secret Service has given them equal protection.

  3. Biden is killing Obama on his own. The VP would become president. If he's like Linden B it would be good for his wallet depending on if he's in with the boys in oil and arms. So at this stage Biden sits in a nice chair. Obama needs protection I would be worried if I was in his shoes.

  4. It's on every body's minds and I don't doubt it would happen, but why do it? Why try to kill a man trying to better things? I could understand McInsane who wants to keep us at war for another 100 years and get us all blown to h**l in the future, but people honestly need to stop resorting to violence and get past things like racism because it's just leaving our place in the world in the toilet.  If you see someone you hate because of anything, just test yourself to see if you are strong enough to say hello, if you can't and continue to hate, you are weak, and need to really think about your worth in this society.

  5. i just heard about it now. People in this world need to grow up.

  6. It doesn't matter if Obama is dead or alive.....after this Democrapic National fiasco....Mc Cain is sure to win.

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