
Two months behind period and a negative test result?? whats wrong Witt me?

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Hmm.. I had my last period on June 18 - 23

So I was expecting to have my period last month on july 18. I had unprotected s*x july 7th which was my "ovulation period" (I'm not sure if I calculated it right but I read it once its the 14th day after and before your cycle). But anyway I had experience sore b*****s but it was only for a few days and still don't have my period which makes me two months behind. I'm usually late but not this late! I took a pregnancy test like a week ago and it turned out to be negative. I will take another one this week just to make sure. Could this be a cause of stress? Or I'm pregnant? I want to go to the doctor and get check up but I don't know how much it costs. I haven't told my parents or my fiance just cause I want to make sure first and find it out by myself.




  1. go to your local clinic or call them and make an appt. its free if you that far past period. i know because i did the same thing. i was 2months late and i turned out pregnant. i was always late so i never thought anything of it. but ya call them they can help.

  2. Go to the health  It could be another issue, not necessarily pregnancy.  A blood test to confirm could be more assuring.

  3. go to ur doctor just to be sure... but it sounds like ur preggo..

    at least ur not some teen.. like 17..


    Good Luck♥

  4. i agree, go to the doctor , the best way to find out.

    although pregnancy tests are now very good from what i hear, and can detect pregnancy hormones early on. still the doctor would probably know best.

  5. I think you're probably pregnant.

    You had s*x on July 7, which is actually 5 days later than the ovulation period often suggested.  You need to count 14 days from the first day of your period.  So 14 days from 18 June is 2 July.  However, you also said your period is usually late, so your natural cycle may be longer than average, which means your ovulation period could easily be two or three days after the 14th day.  In other words, round about the 5th.  And you had s*x on the 7th.  Assuming no fertility problems, your chances of getting pregnant are good.

    The absence of your period is the most persuasive sign that you are pregnant.  So I think your test gave you a false negative.  I had that experience before, even though I was already three months pregnant when I tested.  The next test I took was positive, and I think it's highly likely that the next test you take will be positive.

    Stress can cause your periods to stop, but it's actually very unusual unless you're underweight or very overweight.  More usually, stress would cause your period to come early.

    So that's my interpretation of the events.  I hope things work out the way you want them to.

  6. You are very late! You can go to the doctor and ask for them to do a pregnancy test. The tests in the offices tend to be a bit more accurate. I was told they are more sensitive to the hormone your body makes when your pregnant. If that comes back negative, explain your symptoms. They may run a blood test just to be sure. Pre natal care is very important! Don't put it off too long! Good luck.

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