
Two moons on 27th August 2008?

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Two moons on 27th August 2008?




  1. ROFLMAO! Not this again!

    Mars made its closest approach in recorded history on August 27th, 2003. It was very bright, but looked like nothing more than a bright pinkish star to the naked eye. For some reason, internet idiots can't resist re-releasing the 2003 news annually. Somewhere along the line, a statement that through a backyard telescope, Mars would look as big as the Moon, got misinterpreted into saying Mars would look as big as the Moon to the naked eye.

    I think yours may be the first of the 2008 silly season. Congratulations of a dubious sort are probably in order.

  2. Oh no!!!....not the "closest approach of Mars" story again?

    That particular event happened 4 years ago.....when Mars made it's closest approach to Earth....around 35 million miles.

    For some reason....that story keeps circulating around the internet for reasons as yet still unknown.

    Just know I said before...that event already happened.

    By the way....Mars never looked as big as another full moon....that part is total fabrication.

    Just so you know...the date you gave....gave it away.

  3. This question comes up every year. You're the first person that I've noticed asking it this year. For an explanation, see

  4. Get this every year. And it is wrong every year. it is not possible.

  5. no. don't be ridiculous.

    where did you hear this?

  6. It's a Hoax!

  7. If Mars ever got close enough the Earth that it looked as big as the moon, we'd have MAJOR problems with gravity issues..goodbye life

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