
Two more young lives taken by stabbings last night yet only 16 MPs turned up for the debate about knife?

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culture. When will this government learn. I bet if it was one of their own kids that was stabbed they would be queueing to get into the house of commons and lobbying parlaiment themselves. Don't they disgust you?




  1. yes..yes..yes...they"re a waste of space.

    the things that are most important in our everyday lives go un-noticed because they prefer to debate about pointless and idiotic things instead, it makes my blood boil.

    whats more important really.. a person losing their life due to been stabbed or; wether or not 10 packs of cigarettes should be banned ?,

    its a crazy crazy world in which we live

  2. yeah disgusting. if there is no money to be made, they are not bothered//

  3. If they were offered extra money to to debate, the Commons would have been full, they are interested in 3 things only;Money,   their expenses, their pensions.

  4. I was told by some one that works in the Westminster the bars in the house where full of MP`s watching the test match on TV`s

    If an MP`s son or daughter was stabbed then some thing will we done

  5. only 16 MPs turned up cos they were worried theyd get stabbed in the back

    but seriously though i agree it shows wealthy MPs are very out of touch with the people WHO EMPLOY THEM not the other way round

    if i conned money from my employer and gave it to my family id be sacked on the spot - why arent they???

  6. Don't just blame the government.  Its all the political parties to blame.  any way they are all too busy fiddling their expenses to worry about turning up for a political debate

  7. occasionally

  8. there should be harder punishments. for example if some 1 gets 10 years they shoul do the whole 10 years, & LIFE should bloody mean LIFE. thats my view .

  9. Only 16 turned up for the debate because of cutting back on their expenses and the additional cost of fuel for their private jets.

  10. squirrell is spot on! bunch of flipping nuts!

  11. they dont disgust me...just the way they choose to deal with things does

  12. all MP's, no matter what party they are in are selfish and only care about themselves

  13. Listen, don't worry about it. All politicians are in it for themselves. The only thing you can do about it is arm yourself and prepare for the worst. Sorry thats how it goes.

  14. They completely disgust me.

    The awful truth is that most of them were probably off fiddling their expenses or working out how to get hold of more taxpayers' money without the taxpayers finding out.

    The corruption among our "ruling class" is unbelievable.

  15. its a absolute joke , more needs to be done in my opinion , everyday we see another young life taken , ...its a very frightening place right now for both youngsters and parents alike ...........

  16. Don,t think anyone could argue with you, mps should be ashamed of themselves

  17. The government is not stabbing people. Depraved,  misled, perhaps mentally ill criminals stab people. Murder will always happen.

  18. What do you mean by "when will this government learn". Only 16 MP's turned up. What about the opposition. Lets face it the current government will not be in power at the next election. No opposition turned up. This does not bode well for the next government.They can not even be bothered to get of their backsides now. What about when they are in power. God help us all.

  19. The simple answer is this:  If somebody is going to resort to violence, they're going to find a tool for it anywhere.  Banning potential weapons is a horrible answer.  The adrenal drive to resort to severely injuring another human being is something more powerful than gun or knife control.  How long until the ban is on building houses out of brick or wood, because of potential 2x4 threats?  

    Look up statistics on murder linked to gun or knife control.  Every government that instates gun control or knife control has an immediately INCREASED murder rate, England included.

    If they weren't stabbings, they would've been fatal beatings, drownings, or any cascade of vile and awful acts of violence.  Don't grant violent criminals an excuse by blaming the utencils which could possibly be used for self defense instead.

  20. Yes they are full of it and thats the truth...They never seem to deal with whats most important in peoples everyday lives. They all live in a silver cloud and they have no conception about the real problems that are effecting peoples everyday lives...

  21. The human race disgusts me.

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