
Two of my domains with yahoo, got canceled, but in whois its still live, how can i access the dns?

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Two of my domains with yahoo, got canceled, but in whois its still live, how can i access the dns?




  1. Hi,

    Yahoo are disciplined people. If two of your domains got cancelled, there must be good reasons for that. Perhaps they were dormant.

    Contact yahoo for details and possibly re-activation if you still value them.


  2. Yahoo! uses Melbourne IT to register the domain. Since Yahoo! is reseller, you have two options:

    1. Reactivate the domain through Yahoo!

    2. Get the domain released from Yahoo! and contact Melbourne IT.

    Since you still have the registration of the domain you can release the domain to Melbourne IT and manage it from their end for free (till its renewal date). But note Melbourne IT is registrar, they will charge more for the renewal.

    Cost effective way is to reactivate the domain from Yahoo!. they will charge it for $ 10 /year now. If you think you will release the domain, manage it freely, then at the time of renewal you'll go back to Yahoo! to save your money it will not be possible, because the domain can't be reverted to reseller once released.

    That's why it is wiser to reactivate the domain at Yahoo!.

    Believe me it will save your lot of bucks.

    Reactivate the domain through Yahoo! Domains.


  3. they got cancelled because they were not appropriate

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