
Two of my four goldfish have spots on their tails, is this ick?

by Guest64556  |  earlier

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How can I cure it. There are four golfish in my tank. The big one is now acting lazy. just sitting at the bottom. Then i noticed this stuff on his tail. What can i do to fix this? Ick what is it anyway..I have been alternating their water between filtered fish store water and tap which I treat with a conditioner. Is this wrong?




  1. newly bought fish is still under stress quarantine it with rocksalt add methylene blue to make it faster with good aeration two to 3 days will be okay then do partail water changes.  If its already okay in 3 days change the water to fresh one buy a container or gallons to setteled your water for couple of days and put it in your tank.  Clean the whole tank let it dry then put new fresh water let the filter run.

  2. What colour is the spot ???  

  3. ick is white spot disease it looks like tiny spots on the body and fins. its a parasite that spreads rapidly when fishes are stresed. so the goldfishes you have have to be in a big tank such as a 50+ tank. to treat those spots i would use quick cure or aquarium salt. aquarium salt: heat the water to 82-85F.

  4. yes sounds like it, i suggest methylene blue =]

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