
Two or more organisms living in close relationship with each other are said to be in a ___ relationship?

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a. abiotic

b. biotic

c. consumer

d. symbiotic

e. succession

I think the answer is symbiotic because none of the other answers seem to make any sense, if it isn't symbiotic can you please explain to me why it isn't? Thanks!




  1. The answer is symbiotic.  While it fits the definition you need it is not a perfect answer because it leaves out some information.  Based on the other answers though this is definitely the best one and the only one that fits

  2. Symbiosis requires that the relationship be mutually beneficial.  Parasitic would also fit this question, but since that answer isn't a choice and symbiotic is, go with answer D.  

  3. Abiotic means not alive

    Biotic means alive

    Consumer means something that eats something or uses up a resources

    Symbiotic refers to living organisms working and living together to the benefit of all

    Succession (in this case) refers the the evolution and change or organisms through time.

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