
Two people - one a committed Christian, the other an atheist...?

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- have recently experienced the death of a loved one. In what ways would you expect their response to this event to be similar and different?

Thanks =D




  1. they both grieve. except one thinks the other is in a much better place and that they will see them again. the other thinks the other one is gone forever

  2. similar: Both are extremely sad.

    different: one gets over it quickly by thinking "i'll see them again, someday" while the other gets over it over a longer period of time by thinking "everyone dies, i need to accept nature"

  3. Two years ago when my best friend died I sat down and began writing blues songs.

    Some of his other friends started getting drunk

    Still others just sat around crying.

    I'm an agnostic heathen.

    The cryers and some of the drunks were so-called Christians. the rest of the drunks are atheists.

    Different people react differently. It depends on their own ideas of how the deceased would want them to do.

  4. Death hurts people no matter who they are, pain is pain for any human.

    tGod bless

  5. In my experience with death, it is up to the family and not the religion or lack of, that makes the "event" different.

    Personally, I hope that my family works through their grief well and celebrates my life through their memories.

  6. The Christian's grief will be very different depending on whether they believe the loved one will go to heaven or to h**l.  The atheist's response is going to be the same no matter what.  Basically, I say well, at least the pain is over.  But I know I'm going to miss him/her something fierce, and so I'm really grieving for myself.

  7. they are both humans so i expect them to morn the same

    but one may be less sensitive

    now help me;...

  8. The committed Christian would know that his/her loved one has lived their time on earth and must rest in a better place in heaven. The committed Christian would accept his loved ones death with grievance, yet understanding at the same time.

    The atheist would believe that some unknown or natural death took place, but that his loved one should have lived on this earth longer. In addition to not believing in heaven or h**l, the atheist may think that his loved one is reincarnated, although every individual born on this Earth is unique and different.

  9. I expect them both to grieve.

  10. I think they would both be very sad but at least the Christian would have the knowledge that he will see his loved one again at the Gathering Together.

  11. ... Well they will both be very sad.

    And the Christian will hold a religious funeral. The atheist probably wouldn't, if that was what they wished.

  12. Similarities:

    Great deal of grief

    Remembering the good times

    Growing closer to those still alive


    Christian will in addition to his grief be happy or sad depending on what the person believed

    Atheists feels that it's goodbye for good

  13. It would depend on what institute the Christian was committed. For instance a drug rehabilitation center would be different for a person than an insane asylum. An insane person would react differently than an alcoholic. The atheist background is little known so how would one know since there are millions of each type of beliefs.

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