
Two pieces of evidence that help to support the hypothesis that a big bang might have occurred?

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Describe two pieces of evidence that help to support the hypothesis that a big bang might have occurred as the very beginning of the Universe.




  1. The quantized nature of the infrared radiation from deep space leans against the big bang.

    The horizon problem of how the background radiation is so uniform leans against the big bang.

    The lumpiness of the universe leans against the big bang.

    Causality leans against the big bang.  Everything needs a cause  yet the big bang happened with no one pulling the trigger.

    It depends on which big bang you mean.  The newest one says there was nothing noplace and no where and then kapoosh!!!!   likew pullin a rabbit out of a hat without a rabit, without a  hat and without a magician.

    Never fear big bangers.  There is a big bang. The real big bang is coming.  Heaven and earth will flee away form Him who sits on the great white throne

  2. Are you just posting homework questions verbatim?  This isn't your first.  

  3. God made the earth in seven days, days in that context being periods of time (maybe millions of years apart, maybe a few nano-seconds. maybe each 'day' was a different legnth).

    First he made light - let's assume that includes heat and gas etc. as well.

    So, what's the most fun way to create heat, light, gas and so on? You make a big explosion - BANG.

    God made the universe - he just showed off at the same time = )

    Also, if each day was only a few nano-seconds or whatever, he could have shoved in all the rocks (made planets) and arranged it all (making water and gravity and stuff) at virtually the same time.

    That's how I look at it.

    Scientist: Alright God, if you exsist, prove to me that religion is more powerful than science.

    Jesus: (appears out of a bolt of lightning). Okay. Make a human being out of dust, just like I did.

    Scientist: Alright, (bends down and gets a handful of dust)

    Jesus: No! You make your own dust!

  4. The amount of evidence in support of the Big Bang theory is simply overwhelming. So much so that the theory simply cannot now be overturned.

    Here are a few examples of supporting evidence, by which I mean predictions by the Big Bang theory that have been quantitatively verified.

    - The Universe as a whole is expanding.

    - The universe is filled with a sea of radiation at a temperature of just over 2.7 degrees Kelvin, the remnant of the superhot radiation from the fireball that has cooled down as the universe expanded.

    - The observed abundance of hydrogen, helium and some other light elements produced just after the Big Bang confirms to prediction.

    - The large-scale structures observed in the universe today, are a consequence of small fluctuations shortly after the Big Bang

    - Einstein's Theory of Relativity, a theory for which there exist overwhelming evidence even from everyday phenomena, predicts an expanding Universe.

    There is only one big problem with the Big Bang. It is based on General Relativity and the latter is incompatible with Quantum Mechanics in certain areas. So both have to be incorporated in someting larger, better. That doesn't mean one of them is wrong, only that it is, somehow, incomplete.

  5. 1) The expansion of the universe, as evidenced by the red-shift of distant galaxies.

    2) The presence of an "afterglow" of the big bang fireball - the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation or CMBR.

    And lots, lots more. You might also want to add that Einstein's theory of General Relativity necessitates an expanding (or contracting) universe. An expanding universe implies that the universe was once far smaller, denser and hotter than it is now.  

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