
Two question on John McCain's military record?

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Did anyone ever read a time chronicle of time he spent in prisoner of war hospital, preparing to send message home, and time before he start to sing?

Who's plane accidentally fired missile on aircraft carrier that killed 7 sailors, and took out 15 planes?




  1. 1.  No.  Such would be a very long chronicle, if it even existed.  The only case I know of McCain singing was on a Saturday Night Live skit, years ago... pretty funny, he's a bad singer and knows it.

    2. You'll need to be more specific.  What aircraft carrier, what year, etc.?  If you want us to do your homework for you because you're too lazy, you'll have to give more information.

  2. You low life's should leave that war hero alone and stop lying about him hes suffered enough for you and yours

  3. Lots of answers here:

  4. I didn't know anyone was trying to keep it secret like they are as to where Barrach H. Obama was born.

    And this lawsuit was brought by a fellow Democrat surely Obama can

    prove where he was born, why won't he maybe because he was born

    in Kenya which would explain why he campaigned for Raila Odinga

    a radical Muslim in 2006.

  5. Yes. And no I don;t have the link available right now. And he did not 'sing'. Information he gave after daily torture was essentially useless.

    It wasn't McCain's aircraft that malfunctioned, it was another pilot.

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