
Two questions 'what is abuse'??

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First Question

what is abuse?? I only hear people say it is a desire for power, but what does that mean???.. If someone wants power, then why does that cause you pain and hurt..

second question

I remember my e boyfriend calling me names and laughing at me and when I showed hurt , I really epected him to have some compassion but instead he was even more happy that his insults were affecting me... that blew my mind and hurt worse than the abuse itself.. why would he be happy that something was hurting me, I hear it is the desire for power, but what kind of power or pleasure can he get out of me hurting,ep. if he loved me




  1. Abuse is a general term for the use or treatment of something (person, thing, idea, etc.) that causes some kind of harm (to the abused person or thing, to the abusers themselves, or to someone else) or is unlawful or wrongful. Its close synonyms are mistreatment and maltreatment. ...

    and 2 i guess your ex felt like he had controll over you or he was a d**k (no offence)

  2. abuse can be physical or mentally he mentally abuses you or from what you have told me. Most men abuse women because they have problems and don't know how to solve them they also feel stronger. These men are messed up and can go to h**l whoever hurts a girl its WRONGE  hoped I helped

  3. remember misery loves company.

    People put other people down because they feel miserable themselves.

    It sucks but thats the way it goes.

    If he is hurting you emotionally, physically--

    you need to leave.

    Nobody should be treated like that

  4. If he hits you with more than ten pounds of force


    Someone that treats you like that doesnt love you... dont fool yourself.

    The pleasure he gets is a perversion...

  5. when somebody knowingly does or says things that hurt or make you unhappy

    that is abuse

    Change your boyfriend for a start

    you appear to have a boyjerk on your hands

    that is most certainly NOT love

    love means that you want the other person to be happy above everything

    sometimes even if it makes you unhappy ,NEVER THE OTHER WAY AROUND.

  6. I really don't think he loves you.

    I can joke around and stuff, but there is always a certain point to stop.  If he knows he's hurting you, yet continues to do it, I don't think he's right for you.

    Good luck, and I hope you make the right decision.

  7. Most abusers are sadistic, they enjoy others hurting.

  8. Main Entry: 1abuse  

    Pronunciation: \ə-ˈbyüs\

    Function: noun

    Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French abus, from Latin abusus, from abuti to consume, from ab- + uti to use

    Date: 15th century

    1: a corrupt practice or custom

    2: improper or excessive use or treatment : misuse <drug abuse> <abuse of tranquilizers>

    3obsolete : a deceitful act : deception

    4: language that condemns or vilifies usually unjustly, intemperately, and angrily

    5: physical maltreatment

    Getting joy from another person's misfortune or pain shows a twisted soul.  Why do people do that.... they feel small in relation to their "world" and one of the few ways they can exert power is through providing pain to others.  Like a child, If they don't get the attention they want... they'll do negative things to get any kind of attention.

  9. I've learned that begging for kindness only makes it worse.

    He has control of your emotions, the ability to make you  happy or sad. There lies his power. His pleasure.

  10. Toss him to the curb and forget it.

  11. woah...ur ex wuz a freak

    mayb he had mental problems? drinking problems? drugs?

    these could all have caused him to act irrationally...

  12. they are sick and take pleasure from hurting people that is abuse

  13. Not just power, but power over another person. It does hurt, emotionally and sometimes even physically, when the person you're with treats you like a child and tries to control you.

    For example, the way your boyfriend treated you. His motivations may have been different, but a controlling person might try to insult you in an attempt to tear down your self-esteem so that you'll be easier to control. If you think you're worthless, you'll be more likely to just do whatever he says without questioning it. You might even start to think you deserve to be treated that way, which also makes you more likely to put up with it. A guy (or girl) like this does not love you, he sees you as property. He doesn't want a companion, he wants a submissive pet. People like this aren't capable of real relationships. They need to be in charge of every aspect of the person they're with. Your independence might be seen as a threat - he might think that if he can keep you meek and locked up at home, you won't get any ideas about finding something better.

    I really do think that controlling people are actually very insecure and just looking for ways to make sure they keep a tight grip on whatever it is they want to keep.

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