
Two questions! Do (Mainstream) Mormons celebrate most holidays?

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EX: Halloween, Valentine's Day, 4th of July? I know they celebrate Christmas & Easter.

#2. Do Mormons believe in the "Resurection of Jesus" & the second coming?

Any info from actual Mormons & not people just trying to get 2 points will help. Thanks!




  1. Yes we do celebrate all major holidays and we also celebrate  Pioneer day which is the 24th of July. Yes i we do believe in the Resurrection of Christ and the second coming.  

  2. YEP!!!!! and halloween is like my fave holiday... in fact a lot of the wards (branches of the churh in different places) have what we call a trunk or treat were we go to the church and trick or treat out of the trunks of peoples car, its a fun safe way to trick or treat... and ya valentines day and 4th of July always...

    yep... we believe in Jesus' resurrection and the second coming is one of my fave topics to discuss in church :)

  3. yes/yes-but the "take" on the resurrection and second coming is NOT mainstream.See for details.

  4. 1. Yes.  We celebrate pretty much all the state, federal and national holidays...

    2. Yes, we believe Jesus Christ was resurrected, that He has a perfect body of flesh and bone and is the Living Christ.  We do also believe Christ will come again, to personally reign upon the earth.

  5. 1. Yep. Including Halloween, Valentine's Day, 4th o' July, Columbus Day, Victory Over Japan Day, etc...

    2. Yes mam.


  6. Yes, we celebrate all the holidays, and yes we believe in the Resurrection of Jesus and the second coming, that is why you don't see crosses in our chapels, we focus on the resurrection of Christ and not the crucifixion of Christ.

  7. no.  we celebrate all holidays.  


  8. We celebrate all the holidays.  Sometimes we have a different way to observe them.  On Halloween the children wear costumes, but not masks.  Instead of extra services on Christmas and Easter, we may shorten them to let families have more time together.  

    The resurrection is the core belief of the Church.  We believe in the second coming.  That is why we are the LATTER-DAY Saints.  

  9. yes and yes!!!!!

    to the first: a lot of mormon friends and I will celebrate just about anything!! (as long as its not satanic, of course, but why would you want to celebrate those?) my friends and I quite enjoy Talk like a pirate day, in case you were curious. lol!

    to the second: Don't all Christians believe in the Resurrection?  And yes, we are preparing ourselves for the second coming.  

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