
Two questions: Do you believe in AGW/human-caused global warming? And do you want more nuclear energy?

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  1. Not yet--- to question one--

    Definitely yes to question 2 -- more nuclear reactors. I personally believe that we should get 60-70% of entire electrical requirements from Nuclear with the balance being renewable.  However it is a survival issue to me --- I do not like sending money to Kings-- despots-- and dictators.

    If this policy assists the GW advocates -- Its OK with me. (32+ nuclear plants must be built each year -- to have any chance of reducing CO2 concentrations.

    Now read the paper for both Presidential candidates speeches on nuclear power------ neither political party has the slightest idea of a comprehensive energy policy-- or at least I (in my infinite dumbness)have never seen one.

  2. To the first part of your question...NO.

    I do believe Nuclear Power to be clean and sustainable if we look at US (104 plants) and world wide experience.  

    The newer technology of today is far better than the technology of the 40's and 50' employed in older plants.  (The Three Mile Island Plant, for instance, designed by Babcock and Wilcox started construction in 1968 with design work being done years before.)

    I have read that the amount of radiation released from a coal fired electric plant under normal operation is greater than the amount of radiation released from nuclear power plant under normal operation.  A coal fired plant to replace Plant 1 at Three Mile Island would output megatons of carbon dioxide per hour...and the other constituent gases of the "smoke" effluent.

    Another concern I have is: that If only 20% of all electric power generation is by nuclear plant, another 104 plants could produce only another 20%?  Sounds like a lot of nuclear plants...or are the newer plants capable of more output...I haven't read anything about that.  

    To answer your second question: that decision for me is unresolved.

  3. well i will only answer the first question because i don't have that much time. no i don NOT believe in any form of global warming. if you haven't guessed i'm very right winged in my thinking. tell me that global warming is real when wisconsin has no snow. this year my home state of wisconsin had an almost if not record breaking snowfall total (where i'm from at least). also, international falls in minnesota had a record breaking low temperature of 40 below. if that's global warming then people need to re think this.

  4. AGW is a bunch of bollocks and so is nuclear energy!

  5. 1. No, never in a million years.

    2. Yes! I don't want wind energy because it still needs fuel if the winds don't blow. Solar is inconvenient because silicon is expensive and solar energy is limited.

    As soon as we achive controlled fusion, we can benefit from nuclear energy. I just hope that it won't be barred by "environmentalists", then.

  6. Yes.  Yes.  See also:

    by one of the truly great environmentalists of our time.

  7. NO to the first.

    YES to the second!

  8. No (how does CO2 increase the greenhouse effect?).


  9. I believe in human induced global climate change and partially for obvious reasons.

  10. Yes

    Yes, but keep in mind that there's a limited amount of fuel for nuclear facilities so we can't rely on that alone (but it could do a great job helping for the next 50 years).

  11. Yes and no...and yes and no.

  12. 1) Yes

    2) Marginally, yes (though I believe we should focus far more on renewable energy than nuclear).

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