
Two questions. Why are the best swimmers always in the middle lanes? Why are Jamaicans so freaky fast!?

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Anyone know??




  1. The best swimmers are always in the middle lanes because they are placed there based on their qualification times.

  2. 1) So if all the swimmers swim their best times, it will create a triangle/pyramid shape of swimmers, and so the fastest swimmers are the center of attention and the other swimmers can all see them to keep up pace with them.

    2)I'm not quite sure, but its possible genetics, or they just love to run and train alot

  3. so that they dont get slowed down by the waves of the other swimmers infront of them

    and they have to be fast so they can catch they tucker...llol  

  4. 1-they are placed in the middle so their waves moves away from them so they can get the best time

    2- i think because they are born to run and they train from a young age

  5. 1) no waves from opponents, better lines ! better time !

    2) slim, tall, strong

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