
Two questions in one.. yellow tooth, white tongue?

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I have an extremely discolored front tooth. It looks awful. For years I have tried every tooth whitening toothpastes, strips, dentist whitening visit and 2 laser whitening treatments. The dentist and laser treatment worked for a few days then the tooth went back to yellow.. anyone can give me any ideas as to what i can do to keep it white or at least semi white?

Now the tongue.. i have been experiencing a white thrush with odor on my tongue for years.. anyone can help me on how to get rid of it?

Thanks a bunch!




  1. Hi Tristan's Mom-

    It sounds like you have put up with a lot! I know this is probably not what you want to hear, but you really need to get to a dentist. This could be a number of things, but is probably very easily treatable. I had a very good friend in elementary school who suffered from thrush (mainly in the throat/cheeks) several times a year and it was painful!

    The first thing I would recommend to getting your mouth in health order, is start using hydrogen peroxide after you floss, but before you brush. Hydrogen Peroxide acts as a natural anti-bacterial agent, and will not only help in maintaining a health mouth, but whitens your teeth dramatically.

    This will not be a one time fix though- since we are constantly eating/drinking things that discolor our teeth, it is normal for them not to stay 'white' forever. You have to use peroxide on a regular basis. (doesn't have to be daily, but it will help maintain your gums healthier.)

    If your tooth went back to yellow within a few short days, I suspect that no whitening trick in the world will be able to give you the results you are looking for. Your dentist can provide insight on why this is happening, and may be able to offer you longer-term cosmetic solutions (ie: porcelain veneer, etc.)

    As for the tongue, I think the peroxide will clear this up a little bit, but you will probably see maximum results from something your dentist prescribes.

    Hope this helps!

  2. I don't know about the yellow tooth, but for your tongue, that has to be brushed also. Yes, it does. That is what causes bad breath and people can smell what you have eaten. So, please brush your tongue also, ask your dentist and he will agree.

  3. have u tried bleaching ur teeth....n i kno this sounds weird but mii cuz had the same probably n he brush his teeth wit mouth wash and wit tooth paste every morning.....first he used tooth paste and then he used his tooth brush and brushed his teeth with mouth wash

  4. Hi there! I work at a dental office so I have a couple of suggestions for you. I am surprised that the tooth ever bleached at all. if the tooth has had a root canal, you could ask your dentist about a procedure called internal bleaching. This bleaches the tooth from the inside out. It is not always successful and usually requires more than one session. My number one recommendation would be either a laminate veneer or cosmetic bonding that would completely reface the tooth. And for what you've already probably spent on bleaching it would be a bargain! For the tongue issue you should really ask your dentist. If you are a smoker, STOP! It could be something harmless, but treatable with an oral rinse. They do make tongue scrapers that remove excess debris from the tongue. There is brand called BreathRx that has a whole line of tongue sprays, antibacterials etc. that may help. Usually you can find the line at most major pharmacies. Hope this helps!

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