Hi Everyone,
Thanks for clicking. I've got a two part question: First, I am searching for anyone to whom I am biologically related. I was an at home birth and given up via closed adoption per the laws of 1970 and am hoping to gain any information for my own three children. Can anyone point me in the right direction or possibly give me referrals not yet attempted/failed at by me already? Secondly, As I compiled yet another round of documents for another search, I mentioned to my boyfriend (of 15 years. Dumb word.) that while I respect biological parents anonymity, I find it slightly heartless for my "parents" to refuse the waiver necessary to have on file with the state in order for me to contact them. Not for money. Not to make them uncomfortable. But for my own kids as my health is failing. His answer, verbatem, was as follows: (Please read, think about it from the point of a distraught adoptee, and give your honest opinion) "They probably don't want to relive their past mistakes."