
Two really really odd dreams?

by  |  earlier

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First dream:

(first of all I hate rabbits because one attacked me)

Im running down a huge street herding the little kids I worked with when i volunteered at a summer camp, as we were being chased by huge tie-dye rabbits with huge fangs/front teeth.

second dream:

(which actually happened first)

sitting in the cafeteria of the school i went to last year making out with a odd boy who I went to school with last year, I don't like the boy in real life and I didn't even like him in my dream, but i liked the kissing and after a little while he said It was too much, and we went slower.

I'd never made out before, but now it all makes sense how to .. erm make out.

So, what do you think my dreams mean?




  1. I'd just like to point out that the rabbit will have attacked you because it feared for it's life- It's no reason to hate rabbits.

    Also I think dreams are random compilations of memories.

    1. You remembered how you were responsible for the safety of those kids, and in this case you replaced the danger with something you fear yourself, rabbits.

    2. When I have dreams about making out with someone it's always because I have feelings for them.  In this case though, maybe you just want a boyfriend but don't know who you want him to be, so he got filled in with a random guy you know.

  2. In your dreams you confront your fears!

    People have been struggling with the meaning and purpose of dreams since the dawn of our species, but in reality they are a survival tool. Consider the caveman who has seen the power of a sabre tooth tiger: he gets to replay strategies for dealing with the beast in the safety of his own head.

    Similarly, we all dream about things that cause us some angst as our mind tries to find strategies to deal with them. As life goes on you will find solutions with and (most often) without the assistance of your dreams; indeed, now that you have 'made out', you can see that it is not a performance, but something young people do for the joy of it.

    If you still have an irrational fear of rabbits (which is different to worrying that one might bite you, or just plain disliking them) consider confronting your fear a little at a time. There are numerous phobia conquering strategies on the web, simply search for "conquering phobia"

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