
Two strange questions about the belly button during pregnancy?

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I have two questions about the belly button!

Does it always pop? I am 23 weeks and it is less of an innie but it still is! It obviously still has time to pop, but I was wondering if it always does?

When my baby kicks where my belly button is it feels REALLY weird - it kinda hurts. Is that normal? lol




  1. This is my second pregnancy and he hasn't kicked my belly button at all--but with my daughter that happened! and it's normal!

    With both this pregnancy (i'm 34.3 weeks) and my first my belly button hasn't changed at all. Its an innie and it still looks the same as always

  2. Normal, and it dosent always pop i had a veryyyyyyy inni and it kept getting more of an outie now it just looks like i dont have a belly button lol its been like this for awhile now and iam 32 weeks and i dont think its going to pop. It all depends most women with deep innis wont pop.

  3. No it doesnt always pop. Every woman's bellybutton doesnt pop. when i was 11weeks it would be out sometimes and in others. Now im 24 weeks and its out all the time.

    When my lil man kicks my bellybutton it hurts sometimes but it feels weird too. everythings normal.

  4. With my first my belly button never popped it just flattened out & I naturally have an innie I'm 27 weeks with our second and it's still an innie.  It does really feel weird though when he kicks where my belly button is. It never hurt bad, maybe just a little from everything stretching and everything feeling so weird.

  5. I didnt believe it either but mine is an innie and the bigger I got it ended up stretching out and kinds turning inside out..if that makes sense.. It didnt stick out or anything it ended up going flat lol.  

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