
Two test. One line and another faint line

by Guest57640  |  earlier

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I just did the Clear Blue pregnancy test. I bought the digital one. It brought three. So the first one came out Not Pregnant. I took the test apart to see how it was inside. When I looked at it it had a faint positive line. I took apart the other 2 test and did them also. They both appeared with a positive faint line. Im a pregnant? Why did the digital came out negative? Also I am 9DPO. Can it show so soon? Thanks




  1. Digital tests work differently to the normal tests - 2 lines don't mean you're pregnant if you take a digital test apart.  Sorry.

    Some embryos take around 12  days to implant, and then there needs to be time for the hgc hormone to reach your urine, so it can take longer than 9 days dpo for a test to show positive.

  2. Most women will see two lines on a digital test stick, pregnant or not.   You can NOT rely on those lines.  The digital test reads and interprets the shades of the lines.  A digital is the only HPT where 'any line is a positive' DOES NOT APPLY!   I'm sorry.  I wish I could tell you different.  

    Check out this site for a deeper explanation:

  3. Digital tests are more unreliable than the old fashioned 'line-or-no-line' versions. Also check the box for sensitivity. 25mIU/hCG is a good amount, but some test, including the flashy-looking ones, are only sensitive to 50mIU which means you've got to be further along to get a positive.

    9dpo is very early to get a BFP. Only 10% of pregnancies show up at 10dpo. I'd wait a little longer.

  4. if the test said negative then it's negative. if you were supposed to take the tests apart it would say so in the instructions!

    if you think you have tested too early, you should wait until you are definitely late for your period and then redo the testing. i know how hard it is to wait but you're just wrecking your head testing too soon!

  5. First off, kudos for thinking about taking the test apart. I never would have thought about checking that. Secondly I guess you could test that early since it is within the 5 days that really sensitive pregnancy tests can pick up the necessary hormone, but I would wait til after your period is supposed to come just to make sure.

  6. Any line no matter how faint is a positive. False negatives are very common, but false positives are not common. You should get a blood test, but it sounds like you are preggo so Congrats! However, taking apart the test may have disrupted something so I wouldn't totally trust it plus any line after 10 minutes could be an evaporation line. BLOOD TEST!

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