
Two theories about children?

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I have two theories that you may be able to assist with. Please let me know why you agree or disagree.

Theory 1 - babies who have baby acne have food intolerances (despite evidence that says it's a hormone passed from mummy at birth) was s/he more unsettled? Did you later find out some foods don't agree with him/her?

2. Babies that hiccup a lot end up being very good non fussy eaters in their toddler years only ? (this may change later)

What are your thoughts? Do you have your own theories. I'd love to hear them too




  1. Theory one...I have 3 children and the youngest 2 did have baby acne. There is not a fruit or veggie that they do not like or wont eat. They are now 8 and 2 and I dont forsee any changes in their eating habits. My daughter didnt have the baby acne and she too eats all the fruits and veggies. They havent ever had anything not agree with them so, I dont really agree with that theory.

    Theory two...ALL babies hiccup alot. I was always told it means they are growing. Old wives tale. But, as far as it having anything to do with their eating habits I dont agree with that as well.

    I tend to believe it has more to do with the parents eating habits and what they introduce into the childs diet. Granted, there are going to be foods they arent going to like at some point in time, but who of us dont have something we dont like? Some of us are luckier then others and have children that aren't as picky of eaters.

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