
Two under Two??

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I just found out i am pregnant i think i am about four weeks gone and although it wasnt planned myself and my husband are over the moon..I have an 10 month old daughter and was just wondering was there any other mothers out there with two small children?is it as hard as people say and any tips?many thanks..




  1. I have a 2 1/2 year old and a 9 month- old. It's tough. But not impossible. I love it! I think the toughest thing was getting my 2 yo to understand that they new baby was a real live person and not just a toy. That and nursing was interesting because every time I sat down to nurse my 2 yo wanted my attention. Tips:

    1. Take care of your older child's needs before the baby's (within reason). If you need to nurse or change a diaper on the baby and your toddler wants a drink or snack, get the snack first, then you'll have at least a few minutes to tend to the baby without a whinny toddler on your leg.

    2. For the first few months your attention between the two can be split 60/40 more going to the older child. The new baby will sleep a lot! Be sure to spend lots of one-on-one time with the older child.

    3. Keep in mind, the second child doesn't know how much time you spent with your first when they were a baby. It will be happy with any attention.

    4. Get dad involved (if there is a dad available). There will be lots of tag teaming! Start it from the beginning or Dad will get used to not having to help out.

    Those are probably they best things I can offer. My favorite thing is how cute they are together. My 9 month-old loves her older brother! She watches every thing he does. When he is around she follows him everywhere and laughs at everything he does. Now that she is getting older, they entertain each other. It gives me more time to myself, well compared to a few months ago. Good luck! It's quit a ride! You can do it!

  2. I am 22 years old and have a 3 1/2 year old, a 23 month old, and  7 month old, and possibly pregnant now and couldn't be happier!  A lot of people assume that because we are so young and have so many children we are irresponsible and take from the government but we don't.  I just love and adore my children and having a big family.. and we don't take one cent from any welfare, wic, ect.  My husband will be a naval officer in the navy and is currently working on his masters so it is something that we can afford and the kids are not deprived of anything.  I've been very blessed to be able to be a stay at home mother and yes life is chaotic at times but extremely rewarding and never boring that's for sure! Congrats and good luck!!

  3. Congrats!!! Really you know the hardest part is learning all the stuff you are suppose to do for the first already know that cause you just went through it. I'd say for starters, save all your baby clothes in case you have another girl. Your daughter will be alittle bit jealous, just try to include her in as much of the baby stuff as you can, but really an older toddler is harder than one that's 17 months. I know she is too little to understand but let her know she is going to big sister. The one thing you can do for both of them at once is read to them. The more you read to them, starting now, the better they will read later, the more they will listen to you when you are not reading. Closeness in age really is an asset. At times they will be best friends, at times worst enemies, but as long as they have equal love from their parents. They'll be fine. Parenting is a tough job. Structure is the key. Get up the same time everyday, go to bed the same time every night. If your children know what you expect from them, it will make things alot easier. Good Luck.

    Good point about tag teaming. If Dad is around enough, he needs to help out as much as possible, don't let him mess up the routine though, you must present a united front. Two people can accomplish wonders when they work together.

  4. I'm older now, so things were different.  I had two under two when I was 19.  Women today make things harder for some reason.  I'm not sure why, they don't want to carry their babies until they are ready to come, they HAVE to have pain killers during labor, a helper for their children becomes necessary, they can't seem to go out alone with the kids.  I don't know what is going on, but it really isn't that hard.  Diapers stunk, that's for sure, they were expensive, although diapers haven't gone up much in the last 24 years.  I had the two just fine, I took them everywhere I went, by myself, was able to cook, clean and entertain.  It's all in what you make it.  If your life is your children, then it isn't a problem.  If your life is focused around careers and making sure your make-up is on all the time, then it will be tougher.  Your first one will be a year and a half when the new baby is born and you will see a big difference.  Your first one will be walking and be more independent.  You can do it.  Us older mothers did it all the time.  Just don't expect being able to have everything perfect at all times, including your hair and make-up.
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