
Two year old cat has scratchy meow. Please help?!

by  |  earlier

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I just put her outside. She's been out since about the begining of june...her meow was cute and high pitched as usual...but for the last week it became weak and scratchy. Please help...




  1. If your worried about her why do you have her outside?  I don't think she's going to get better being out there.  You didn't indicate if the cat was vaccinated or if you at least provide it shelter from blistering heat, or down pouring rains.  This time of year, depending on where you live your cat could be suffering from allergies or sinus infection that has affected its vocal cords, or a respiratory infection that has made its throat sore like a humans can get.

    The only answer is to bring your poor cat inside, and take it to a vet.

    Then keep your cat inside.  There are many more dangers just waiting for your cat outside.  Only you can protect her from them.

  2. It happened to my kitten after she got her shots but it went away after a week.  It could also just be a cold.  Cats get those alot!

  3. A cat's meow can change over time.  But it seems as if she has developed a cold or an allergy to what she encountered outside.  If there is a change in the litter box, this means a trip to the vet.  Otherwise, see if she gets better by staying inside;  if not, then a vet visit.

  4. She might have a cold. Keep her inside. Its safer to keep pets as indoor ones.

  5. It could be a number of things, does she have any other symptoms? Perhaps give your vet a call and ask their opinion.

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