
Two year old?

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Does anyone have a two year old and feel the way I do? My daughter is driving me a little crazy. Everything I want her to do she wants to do the opposite of. Everything turns into a battle for example diapering,staying is the stroller,getting dressed ,taking a bath following directions ect. She makes me so angry sometimes. I do not want to hit her because I do not believe it will do any good. However time out is a joke to her she does not care. she is constantly being a brat about everything and I am so fed up. Is it normal for her to be like this is that what the saying terrible twos comes from?




  1. Time outs are good only if they are used consistently.  All hitting is going to teach her is that it's okay to hit when you're angry and then she will be hitting kids in school.  I suggest you begin by setting rules.  Offering PRIVLIGES that she has to earn by behaving.  If she behaves all day she will get to watch her favoirte show on television perhaps.  Limit her television viewing and monitor it.  Praise her when she behaves.  When she misbehaves let her know that you are disappointed and leave it at that.

  2. OMG if i wasn't mistaking you have my daughter. LOL my little one is 2 as well since may and since that Day HOLLY MOLLY i just can believe how much stress and anger this little girl has been able to get me. I also don't believe in hitting it wont teach her anything but to be afraid of me. So anyhow i have seen many kids that are 2 act this way so i can say it is normal and they will grow out of it we just have to keep being firm and have a straight face when we talk to them so they don't start taking us as a joke ;) Good luck to both of us.

    *Mother of 2 year old and 26 weeks pregnant

  3. i have a 2 year old too, and yes that is normal, but are you doing the time outs properly? check out this website it tells you how to give effective time outs that should work. i have been working on it with my son and it seems to be working so far.

  4. this is completely normal, i have a 2 year old boy. he trys to do whatever he wants to do. i use timeout, and sometimes i pop him on the butt. but you have to use tough love. otherwise she will just keep running all over you. when she gets out of timeout, put her right back. she will eventually learn that no matter how hard she tries, she is going to have to sit in timeout.

  5. yes, it IS the terrible twos stage...and believe it or not, it's very natural for her to go throgh this stage. She is testing her/your  boundaries and is trying to become an independent little person. As frustrating as it seems, there is no point in getting upset over something that she is bound to go through. This is the time, to gather all your patience and in a stern, yet calm voice offer discipline and most importantly consistancy. Praise her good behavior!!!

    I would highly suggest getting nanny jo's book (from nanny 911)..she has some great time out techinques that will work with even the toughest terrible twos.

    Good luck!

  6. She is at the age where she is trying to figure out who she is, breaking off from being a baby into a child.  This is normal behavior.  Time outs really don't work for most children.  All they have to do is sit.  They can take a few minutes of sitting.  You may have to think about a swat on the butt, with your hand, no weapons.  If you do not take control now and let her know who is in charge, you will spend the rest of her formative years regretting it.  This IS where the term "terrible twos" come from, but remember, she is going to go through many stages in her life that she is going to push you.  Children will do this to see what they can get away with.  It's up to you to set the boundaries according to what you feel is right and what is wrong.

  7. My son is the same way and what I did is take all his toys away and he had to earn them back. So if your daughter has something she can't live without take it away and let her earn it back

  8. Give her warnings BEFORE she screws up.  For example, before you go to Place A,  tell her that if she doesn't listen to you or she misbehaves, you're going to have to go home.  And really follow through.  So that means don't try this if you're somewhere you really can't leave.  In fact, practice by going to the park or the store and plan on leaving and going home a lot (for a few days or even weeks of this) until she knows that you mean business and will really follow through.

    You can also just take her to the bathroom where ever you are for a "time out" where you can wait for her to settle down, talk to her, spank her butt, etc.  Expect screaming and tears for awhile until she learns this routine.

    If time outs are a joke to her, you can try putting her favorite toy in time out instead of her.  

    Whatever you do, always follow through on any threat you make.  She needs to know and trust that you will do what you say.  It will take awhile for her to learn that (maybe months) you mean "no" when you say it.  

    Plus, when she does do something good, make sure you praise the c**p out of her.  Let her know that good behaviour is rewarded with your happy, loving, smiling face and kind words.   I wouldn't use bribes or actual physical rewards because she'll always expect them.  A happy mom and dad should be enough.

    Good luck, don't give up.  Two year olds are really the worst sometimes.  They're learning what they can get away with and what they can't.  But you have to win this battle now before it's too late.

  9. Stand back and breath. She is pushing you to see what she can get away with I went through this with my kids. You have to be firm and as much as she pushes DON'T give in. Two year-olds are nightmares but believe me I would rather have the battles with the two year old than the whining of the three year old. It will pass just be firm and patient.

  10. yeah two year olds are nightmares at times, but i think she's a little worse than most two year olds.

  11. Just keep correcting her behavior, she is 2 after all and remember you are trying to teach her the right way to behave in society so you must correct her behavior and REMEMBER to PRAISE the good behavior its very important in teaching a child the right way to behave, god bless.  I have a 2yo as well. Some days I would like to leave him in his room all day but I stick to my rules and I know some day he will grow into a great kid.
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