
Two years without a proposal?

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If you were with a guy and you were both in your twenties with stable careers, and you had dated seriously for two years and there was no proposal, would you be upset? Or would you think it's too soon anyway?

My friends in that situation and hates it, but I say it still hasn't been that long.





  1. Look depends on the guy...maybe he never wants to be married...other guys once they meet someone...its a matter of weeks before they know for sure...Who knows what is in his head? I know that the girls I dated I knew I was using for awhile (till something better came along)...or wanting to keep them forever...I think you should test him out...if you are serious about him...he should pass your tests otherwise...if he fails...don't waste your time on him. Take Care

  2. I don't think 2 years is too long. Some people are together 5, 10 years even before getting married.

    I have a friend who has been with her boyfriend for 9 years now without a proposal. My husband proposed after we dated for 11 months.

    Some men know they are not ready to get married. He might feel if he proposes, a wedding is right around the corner. Maybe he is saving for a really nice ring? It al depends.

    But, no, I don't think 2 years is a long time to go without a marriage proposal.

  3. I think that is a long time.  Usually, from my own personal experience, if a man is considering you marriage material he brings it up within 6 months and won't let it go.

  4. I was 26 when I married. Met my husband couple months before my 25th birthday. People thought it was fast but we both knew it was serious from very early on and have just celebrated our 11th anniversary.

    I guess your friend wants to know if this relationship is going somewhere. Lots of my friends found themselves single after more than 7 years in relationships and in their early thirties suddenly panicking about meeting Mr Right and having children. Also a number of those men who couldn't commit at that time went on to quickly marry the very next person they dated!!

    I think some men know that they are NOT going to marry the girl they are with but she will do until someone else comes along. Perhaps this is what is making your friend uneasy?

  5. Some guys dont want to get married. And some guys dont feel a need to do it in their 20's. Dating 2 years is the minimum you should date someone before marriage in my opinion, not the max.

  6. Your friend should be talking to her boyfriend if she wants marriage. 2 Years isn't too long - but it's the perfect time to start talking about it, and see what he wants, and make goals for your relationship. My boyfriend and I have been together nearly 3 years now, and about 6 months ago i basically sat him down on the couch and said "I'm ready to get married". Since then, we've been making loose plans and changing our lives around to accomodate the idea of marriage more.

    It's a huge commitment. It should never be rushed.  

  7. Depends............

  8. If after two years a person doesn't know where the relationship is going than they are in serious trouble.

    Life is not Hollywood or television...they drag relationships on and on so that they keep viewers interested in the show.  In real life people know where they are headed.  I'm not saying that they should get married, but rather that they should know what direction they are going in.

  9. We were together for almost 4 years before he proposed.  It's not something you want to rush.  2 years is nothing.

  10. If I were her I would begin talking about other people who are getting commitments or making up stories about this good looking guy who comes to work and all the girls talk about him, and how he asked her out, but she said no (Of course).

    That might not be the best way to do it, but she needs to get him to see that she could be scooped up and away if he does not act.

    My fiancee asked me 6 months after dating.

    My high school sweet heart had asked me at 2years.

    I still have not yet married - 29 - But, we have a date now.  

  11. Well it depends on the situation.  My husband proposed to me after 13 months, and we were married within 3 after that.

    We were both just ready.  That being said, I feel if the two of them have been serious for two years, it's probably about that time.  She needs to be patient and not pressure him though, because you NEVER want to try to force or nag a man into marrying you -- you'll regret it! :)  

    She should wait one more year.  Once they've been serious for three years then it's about time he propose.  If after 3 years he hasn't proposed, she should probably try to talk to him about it and see where he stands, letting him know she is serious about wanting marriage in the near future.  If he declines or says he's not ready or never will be, she needs to decide what's most important to her -- being with this man without a marriage, or marrying someone else.

    Good luck!

  12. 2 yrs isn't to soon at all.

    My husband and i got engaged 3 months after we had been dating and got married 7 months later.

    2 yrs should be long enough for your friends boyfriend to know if he wants to marry her or not.

  13. I would not date for 2 years without a serious commitment.  There needs to be an end result that the two of you are working toward...a goal.   What is the purpose of dating  if it isn't marriage.   Sit down like two adults and discuss it.  What are his goals?  relationally? career-wise?   Share with each other your desires and see if you are on the same page.   Adults sit down, discuss, and try to resolve...children run away.   Talk to him tonight...discuss it and make the choice that is right for you.

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