
Tww anyone?

by  |  earlier

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I'm in my tww. Last af was July 3. I have a perfect 26 day cycle. Af is due on Tuesday(July29). I'm so anxious to see if we've concieved this month. We've been without any bc since June2007, so its been about 13months.

I don't really have any symptoms. My nips are usually kinda sore. This month its only one of them. Had light af like cramps at about 7dpo. Hoping that was a good sign.

I send you all lots of baby dust and prayers. Please send some up for me. Good luck to us all!!!




  1. Yes, I'm in the 2WW too!  I'm 5DPO today, and I'm really hoping that this is the month.  I've been so disappointed each month when AF comes, so I'm trying to stay laid back about it....however, I know as August 4 (AF is due) gets closer, I'm sure I'll start obsessing!

    I hope this is the month for both of us!  Best of luck and lots of baby dust!

  2. Hey I am in it 2!  6dpo today hoping this is it, 7mo TTC! good luck let us know

  3. Hi! My period is also due on the 29th! My last period started on July 1st. I, however, have a 28 day cycle. My b*****s have been tender since 7dpo, and I also have been having cramps since the same day. I was really, really disappointed last month when I had all kinds of symptoms and ended up being not pregnant. So, this time, I don't believe any of the symptoms I am having. For the past two days I feel like my period is coming any minute. I feel exactly like I feel a few hours before AF shows up, but it isn't due until Tuesday.

    Good Luck cycle buddy! Keep me posted!

    Just wanted to add that I just noticed your screen name, and well, I don't know if it stands for something else, or if that is your real name...but if and when I ever do have a baby girl...that is what I am going to name her--Kaylee.

  4. Yep. I am 8 DPO! I plan to test in two days, which is when I got my BFP with my first son Jonas. Hopefully this is the month! Good luck everyone and tons of baby dust!

  5. Me too! Baby dust to all of us!

  6. yep I'm on 7dpo and have had mild cramping come and go since yesterday (fingers crossed, not reading into it too far though)  So buckets of baby dust to all TTC and keep us posted!
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