
Tylenol Overdosing?

by  |  earlier

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Is it okay to take 1300mg of Tylenol ER?

Because i just took two 650ml tablets ad about 4 more in the last 36 hours.

Maximum dosage is 4000mg for 24 hours, it also says 1 650g each 4 hrs and i took to at once...

Am going to have liver failure or anything?





  1. It won't hurt this one time but taking more than the recommended dosage will not relieve the pain if the recommended dosage doesn't. You might try taking a different pain reliever next time.Maybe Advil or Aleve or something similar. A lot of times your body builds up a tolerance to medicines and switching to something else will help when the one you are taking stops working.

  2. if your a healthy adult and do not have any liver problems the dose is

    1000mg or less of tylenol per dose and /or less than 4000mg per day.

    Highly doubtful you did any damage. Just dont make a habit of it or drink alcohol while taking tylenol.

  3. So stop doing that. Eventually, if you make a habit of it, you could get chronic toxicity, which is not well understood. Acutely, Tylenol is extremely safe. The minimum dose at which acute toxicity is a worry is 150 mg/kg body mass (for somebody who weighs 110 pounds, as an example, that would be 7500 mg), and it's unlikely even at that dose. The main reason not to overdo it is simply that more doesn't work better; there's a "plateau effect" with Tylenol, as well as with the NSAID's, unlike narcotics, in which dosage adjustments are the sensible norm.

  4. this is unlikely to cause liver failure as a single incident, but is not good for you at all (this behavior is likely to increase your chances of dying from liver failure later). If you have this much pain, see a doctor - don't over medicate.
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