
Tylenol ok everyday while pregnant??

by Guest67181  |  earlier

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Ok, so i'm 13 wks 4 days pregnant and getting horrible headaches it ok to take extra strength tylenol everyday? I haven't been because i get nervous for the baby but its getting pretty bad to handle on a daily basis. I try not to take more than 2 a day but i just dont know what i should really do at this point. Any advice is greatly appreciated!! Thanks!




  1. It's safe.

  2. REGULAR strength tylenol is what you should be using.  I had a serious ear infection when I was about 10 weeks pregnant (IV antibiotics in emerg for 2 days) and I was taking 4-6 regular strength tylenol everyday for about 5 days.  Dr said this was ok and my daughter is fine, if not a little too smart for her own good lol.  

  3. I wouldn't take it.  Talk to your Dr.

    Tylenol is really not good for you.

  4. I don't know the answer. I know that it IS considered safe to take during pregnancy so if it works for your headaches I'm sure it's fine. You can ask your doc. But I'm the same way where I'd just as soon avoid it.

    My advice is to try caffeine. A lot of pregnant women are under the impression that they aren't allowed to have any caffeine during pregnancy but this was just a worry of the early 90's that has been proven wrong. As long as you don't overdo it caffeine is safe to have during pregnancy, although I wouldn't go over 200mg in a day, prob safe even a little higher. I've heard "2 cups of coffee's worth" is safe, and I know probably a couple of caffeinated sodas are fine too although I can't remember the caffeine contents that I've read before. My midwife was the one who put it into my head to try caffeine for headaches because even though I had read in 3 of my books it was safe, I was never an everyday caffeine drinker and wasn't really craving anything caffeinated. Then in my second trimester I started getting some bad headaches that Tylenol wouldn't budge so I had a Coke and felt a lot better. Worth a try!

  5. Just wondering, did you give up caffiene when you found out you were pregnant?  That is why I had headaches and they eventually went away.  While Tylenol during pregnancy is ok, I would be worried about taking it everyday.  It can be damaging to your liver so checking with the dr would be best.

  6. It's safe to take, but every day .. probably not.  If you've taken it quite a bit already, tough it out until you talk to your Dr. you can do it.  

  7. tylenol is fine during pregnancy, as to weather everyday or not thats something to ask your dr.

  8. i am 36 weeks and i have taken tylenol twice daily for almost the entire pregnancy because i have chronic migranes.

    tylenol is absolutely safe to take.

    just dont take anything else without asking your OB.

    no ibuprofen or anything. just take acetamenophin (tylenol) at reasonable doses when you need it

    dont worry

  9. You should really see a doctor b/c it sounds serious.  Tylenol shouldn't be taken on a daily basis by anybody, let alone a pregnant woman.  My friend had migraines while pregnant and had to see a specialist.  Any drug should be taken with caution.

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