
Tyler's story? Part I?

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I've copied this exactly as I wrote it nearly 20 years ago...


I don't feel very well today, but no one seems to notice. I'm not hungry at all and I'm very sleepy. Mama and Daddy are all excited about taking me home. I know they love me very much, but I wish they knew I was sick. I also wish they knew I haven't had a "baby scan", some test I heard the nurses talking about that involves a very painful poke in the foot. I'm not going to be the one to remind them! Once I'm home I'm sure I'll feel much better.

I guess I was mistaken. We're home now and I still don't feel good. I just can't seem to wake up to see what "home" really is. I've heard them talk about it and it sounds very nice. I hope I will enjoy it as much as they do.


I'm running out of room. Funny, it didn't seem that long when I wrote it....




  1. Wow...this is really good.

  2. I can't imagine what you must have gone through. I don't know what I would do if anything happened to one of my boys. At least you have so much for you to be proud of today. My thoughts and prayers are always with you.

  3. Now I can see where you get your inspiration that you write your poetry truly are a blessed woman!!!!!  What a poignant and moving, and so true story!!!!

  4. That just took my breath away!


  5. Oh my gosh!! I'm swiping my eyes and blowing my nose now. What a rollercoaster ride of emotions that was!! I love the ending of the story.

  6. thats nice!........












    what is it?

  7. Please post Part II - even though I think this doesn't have a happy ending.  To write from the perspective of a tiny baby makes this even more of a compelling read.

    This limit on words is a real pain in the butt.

    Awaiting the end with bated breath.

  8. That was really good!!!!!!!!!!!! I have never read anything like it!!!

  9. Dear God...

    I read this as my 6-month-old daughter played safely nearby. I couldn't stop crying -- I've never felt so blessed to have a happy, healthy child.

    I can't imagine the terror you endured that day. The flood of emotions you surely felt finding and re-writing those moments were surely hellish, too.

    I couldn't stop the tears as I read it, my heart filled with both dread and desperation. When I clicked on the photo of Tyler in his uniform, fresh tears streamed -- tears of joy, tears of relief, tears of pride.

    Tyler's story is amazing. Keep writing. Never stop writing.
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