
Type as many supernatural creatures you can name?

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can i know some ones i dont know




  1. Ok I'll do it without looking it up. lol















  2. A

    Ivan Bilibin's AlkonostAbarimon (Medieval Bestiaries) - Savage humanoid with backward feet

    Abath (Malay) - One-horned animal

    Abatwa (Zulu) - Little people that ride ants

    Abumi-guchi (Japanese) - Furry creature formed from the stirrup of a mounted military commander

    Abura-akago (Japanese) - Oil-drinking infant

    Abura-bō (Japanese) - Spectral fire from Shiga Prefecture, in which the shape of a monk can often be seen

    Abura-sumashi (Japanese) - Ghost of oil thieves

    Acheri- The Indian ghost.

    Adar Llwch Gwin (Welsh) - Giant birds that understand human languages

    Adaro (Solomon Islands) - Malevolent merfolk

    Adlet (Inuit) - Vampiric dog-human hybrid

    Adroanzi (Lugbara) - Nature spirit

    Adze (Ewe people) - African vampiric forest being

    Aerico (Macedonian) - Disease demon

    Afanc (Welsh) - Lake monster (exact lake varies by story)

    Agloolik (Inuit) - Ice spirit that aids hunters and fishermen

    Agogwe (East Africa) - Small, ape-like humanoid

    Ahuizotl (Aztec) - Anthropophagous dog-monkey hybrid

    Aigamuxa (Khoikhoi) - Anthropophagous humanoid with eyes in its instep

    Aigikampoi (Etruscan) - Fish-tailed goat

    Aitu (Polynesian) - Malevolent spirits or demons

    Aitvaras (Lithuanian) - Household spirit

    Ajatar (Finnish) - Dragon

    Akabeko (Japanese) - Red cow involved in the construction of Enzō-ji in Yanaizu, Fukushima

    Akamataa (Japanese) - Snake spirit from Okinawa

    Akaname (Japanese) -Bathroom spirit

    Akashita (Japanese) - Giant beast

    Akateko (Japanese) - Tree-dwelling monster

    Akhlut (Inuit) - Orca-wolf shapeshifter

    Akka (Finnish) - Female spirits or minor goddesses

    Akki (Japanese) - Large, grotesque humanoid

    Akkorokamui (Ainu) - Sea monster

    Akuma (Japanese) - Evil spirit

    Akupara (Hindu) - Giant turtle that supports the world

    Akurojin-no-hi (Japanese) - Ghostly flame which causes disease

    Al (Armenian and Persian) - Spirit that steals unborn babies and livers from pregnant women

    Ala (Slavic) - Bad weather demon

    Alal (Chaldean) - Demon

    Alan (Philippine) - Winged humanoid that steals reproductive waste to make children

    Al Basti (Turkish) - Female night-demon

    Alce (Heraldic) - Wingless griffin

    Alerion (Medieval Bestiary) - King of the birds

    Alicanto (Chilean) - Bird that eats gold and silver

    Alicorn - Technically a unicorn's horn. In modern times is commonly misapplied to winged unicorns

    Alkonost (Slavic) - Angelic bird with human head and b*****s

    Allocamelus (Heraldic) - ***-camel hybrid

    Allu (Akkadian and Sumerian) - Faceless demon

    Almas (Mongolian) - Savage humanoid

    Al-mi'raj (Islamic) - One-horned rabbit

    Aloja (Spanish) - Female water spirit

    Alom-bag-winno-sis (Abenaki) - Little people and tricksters

    Alp (German) - Male night-demon

    Alphyn (Heraldic) - Lion-like creature, sometimes with dragon or goat forelegs

    Al Rakim (Islamic) - Guard dog of the Seven Sleepers

    Alseid (Greek) - Grove nymph

    Alû (Assyrian) - Leprous demon

    Alux (Mayan) - Little people

    Amaburakosagi (Japanese) - Ritual disciplinary demon from Shikoku

    Amala (Tsimshian) - Giant who holds up the world

    Amamehagi (Japanese) - Ritual disciplinary demon from Hokuriku

    Amanojaku (Japanese) - Small demon

    Amarok (Inuit) - Giant wolf

    Amarum (Quechua) - Water boa spirit

    Amazake-babaa (Japanese) - Disease-causing hag

    Amefurashi (Japanese) - Child-like monster

    Amefurikozō (Japanese) - Child-like weather spirit

    Amemasu (Ainu) - Lake monster

    Ameonna (Japanese) - Female rain spirit

    Amikiri (Japanese) - Snake-bird-lobster hybrid

    Amorōnagu (Japanese) - Tennyo from the island of Amami Ōshima

    Amphiptere (Heraldic) - Winged serpent

    Amphisbaena (Greek) - Serpent with a head at each end

    Anakim (Jewish) - Giant

    Androsphinx (Ancient Egyptian) - Human-headed sphinx

    Angel (Christian, Islamic, Jewish, and Zoroastrian) - Heavenly being, usually a winged humanoid

    Angha (Persian) - Dog-lion-peacock hybrid

    Ani Hyuntikwalaski (Cherokee) - Lightning spirit

    Ankou (French) - Skeletal grave watcher with a lantern

    Anmo (Japanese) - Ritual disciplinary demon from Iwate Prefecture

    Antero Vipunen (Finnish) - Subterranean giant

    Aoandon (Japanese) - Spirit summoned at the end of a story-telling contest

    Ao Ao (Guaraní) - Anthropophagous peccary or sheep

    Aobōzu (Japanese) - Blue monk who kidnaps children

    Aonyōbō (Japanese) - Female ghost who lurks in an abandoned imperial palace

    Aosaginohi (Japanese) - Glowing heron

    Apkallu (Sumerian) - Fish-human hybrid that attends the god Enki

    Apsaras (Buddhist and Hindu) - Female cloud spirit

    Aqrabuamelu (Akkadian) - Human-scorpion hybrid

    Ardat-Lili (Akkadian) - Disease demon

    Arikura-no-baba (Japanese) - Old woman with magical powers

    Arimaspi (Greek) - One-eyed humanoid

    Arkan Sonney (Manx) - Fairy hedgehog

    Asag (Sumerian) - Hideous rock demon

    Asakku (Sumerian) - Demon

    Asanbosam (West Africa) - Iron-toothed vampire

    A-senee-ki-wakw (Abenaki) - Stone-giant

    Ashi-magari (Japanese) - Invisible tendril that impedes movement

    Asiman (Dahomey) - Vampiric possession spirit

    Askefrue (Germanic) - Female tree spirit

    Ask-wee-da-eed (Abenaki) - Fire elemental and spectral fire

    Asobibi (Japanese) - Spectral fire from Kōchi Prefecture

    Aspidochelone (Medieval Bestiaries) - Island-sized whale or sea turtle

    Astomi (Hindu) - Humanoid sustained by pleasant smells instead of food

    Aswang (Philippine) - Carrion-eating humanoid

    Ato-oi-kozō (Japanese) - Invisible spirit that follows people

    Atshen (Inuit) - Anthropophagous spirit

    Auloniad (Greek) - Pasture nymph

    Awa-hon-do (Abenaki) - Insect spirit

    Axex (Ancient Egyptian) - Falcon-lion hybrid

    Ayakashi (Japanese) - Sea-serpent that travels over boats in an arc while dripping oil

    Ayakashi-no-ayashibi (Japanese) - Spectral fire from Ishikawa Prefecture

    Aziza (Dahomey) - Little people that help hunters

    Azukiarai (Japanese) - Spirit that washes azuki beans along riversides

    Azukibabaa (Japanese) - Bean-grinding hag who devours people

    Azukitogi (Japanese) - Spirit that washes azuki beans along riversides

    [edit] B

    Buraq from a 17th-century Mughal miniatureBaba Yaga (Slavic) - Forest spirit and hag

    Bagiennik (Slavic) - Malevolent water spirit

    Bahamut (Arabian) - Giant fish

    Bashe (Chinese) - Elephant-swallowing serpent

    Bai Ze (Chinese) - Sheep-like animal

    Bake-kujira (Japanese) - Ghost whale

    Bakeneko (Japanese) - Magical cat

    Bakezōri (Japanese) - Animated straw sandal

    Bakhtak (Iranian) - Night demon

    Baku (Japanese) - Dream-devouring, tapir like creature

    Bakunawa (Philippine) - Sea serpent that causes eclipses

    Balaur (Romanian) - Multi-headed dragon

    Bannik (Slavic) - Bathhouse spirit

    Banshee (Irish) - Death spirit

    Barbegazi (Swiss) - Dwarf with giant, snowshoe-like feet

    Bardi (Trabzon) - Shapechanging death spirit

    Barghest - Yorkshire black dog

    Barnacle Geese (Medieval folklore) - Geese which hatch from barnacles

    Barong (Balinese) - Tutelary spirit

    Basajaun (Basque) - Ancestral, megalith-building race

    Basan (Japanese) - Fire-breathing chicken

    BasCelik (Serbian) - A powerful and very evil winged man whose soul is not held by his body and can be subdued only by causing him to suffer dehydration

    Basilisco Chilote (Chilota) - Chicken-serpent hybrid

    Basilisk (Medieval Bestiaries) - Multi-limbed, venomous lizard

    Batibat (Philippine) - Female night-demon

    Batsu (Chinese) - Drought spirit

    Baubas (Lithuanian) - Malevolent spirit

    Baykok (Ojibwa) - Flying skeleton

    Bean Nighe (Irish) - Death spirit (a specific type of Banshee/Bean Sídhe)

    Behemoth (Jewish) - Primal, gigantic land animal

    Bendigeidfran (Welsh) - Giant king

    Bennu (Egyptian) - Heron-like, regenerative bird, equivalent to (or inspiration of) the Phoenix

    Berehynia (Slavic) - Water spirit

    Bergrisar (Norse) - Mountain giant

    Bergsrå (Norse) - Mountain spirit

    Bestial beast (Brazilian) - Centauroid specter

    Betobeto-san (Japanese) - Invisible spirit which follows people at night, making the sound of footsteps

    Bhūta (Buddhist and Hindu) - Ghost of someone killed by execution or suicide

    Bi-blouk (Khoikhoi) - Female, anthropohagous, partially invisible monster

    Bies (Slavic) - Demon

    Binbōgami (Japanese) - Spirit of poverty

    Bishop-fish (Medieval Bestiaries) - Fish-like humanoid

    Biwa-yanagi (Japanese) - Animated biwa

    Black Annis (English) - Blue-faced hag

    Black Dog (British) - Canine death spirit

    Black Shuck - Norfolk, Essex, and Suffolk black dog

    Blemmyae (Medieval Bestiary) - Headless humanoid with face in torso

    Bloody Bones (Irish) - Water bogeyman

    Bodach (Scottish) - Malevolent spirit

    Bogeyman (English) - Malevolent spirit

    Boggart (British) - Malevolent household spirit

    Boginki (Polish) - Nature spirit

    Bogle (Scottish) - Malevolent spirit

    Boi-tatá (Brazilian) - Giant snake

    Bolla (Albanian) - Dragon

    Bonnacon (Medieval Bestiaries) - Bull-horse hybrid with flaming dung

    Boobrie (Scottish) - Roaring water bird

    Bozaloshtsh (Slavic) - Death spirit

    Brag (English) - Malevolent water horse

    Brownie (English and Scottish) - Benevolent household spirit

    Broxa (Jewish) - Nocturnal bird that drains goats of their milk

    Bokkenrijders (Dutch) - Damned bandits

    Bugbear (English) - Bearlike goblin

    Buggane (Manx) - Ogre-like humanoid

    Bukavac (Serbia) - Six-legged lake monster

    Bunyip (Australian Aboriginal) - Horse-walrus hybrid lake monster

    Buraq (Islamic) - Human-headed, angelic horse

    Buruburu (Japanese) - Spirit which causes the shivers

    Byangoma (Hindu) - Fortune-telling birds

    Bysen (Scandinavian) - Diminutive forest spirit

    ....there's many more

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