
Type of monarchy?

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what type of monarchy was used during queen elizabeth i of england's reign.




  1. great now is constitutional , but before was absolutely...

  2. memonarchy

  3. Constitutional

  4. The type of monarchy was technically an early form of a constitutional monarchy as set out by the Magna Carta of 1215.  The Magna Carta set out, among other legal rights, the powers of the Parliament.During the Tudor period of the English Monarchy (the period of Queen Elizabeth I) many clauses of the Magna Carta were renewed and the Parliament was far more powerful than dictated by statute.

    However, views differ on this thought and some believe that the monarchy was absolute.

    It would be quite safe to assume that in the Tudor period the monarchy was, in reality, a hybrid between a constitutional monarchy and an absolute monarchy.

    I hope this answers your question!

  5. Constitutional monarchy. The British monarchy is considered the oldest of modern constitutional monarchies, and the model for this form of government in the English-speaking world. A constitutional monarchy was able to form in the United Kingdom across different periods of history for a complex combination of reasons: sometimes due to a lack of strong leadership, and at other times due to strong leaders short of funding, who needed to raise money to prosecute wars, and needed to address public grievances to ensure this money was forthcoming.

  6. Absolute.

  7. It was an absolute monarchy in the time of Elizabeth I, of England like most of the monarchies of the world were at this point. Indeed it could be said to be the 'golden age' of absolute monarchs in English and British History. Her father Henry VIII  had been the most controlling monarch since before the times of the Magna Carta in 1215, and she was carrying his mantle. Although there was a parliamrnt at this time it was little more than a toothless talking shop, but in saying that there were some limitations on the power of the English monarch even then. This is shown when she died, and when James VI of Scotland became King of England, on arriving in England he ordered thwe arrest and execution of a traitorous man and he was told that this did not happen in England and the man must be put on trial, this was a great shock to James who had brought his first Kingdom of Scotland under control by using full and severe absolute monarchy.

    This is where the trouble lay up to the English Civil War, James son Charles I who tried to continue the methods of ruling Scotland to England and this built up a great resentment in England and the King lost favour with many people, the rest is history.

  8. It was a constitutional monarchy.
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