
Type of money or cards or check to take to Mazatlan?

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We are going to Mazatlan, what is the best type of money to take? Traveler checks, visa travel card, credit cards, cash, etc.




  1. Take some US dollars (I take $100) for trip from aiport and pehaps a meal out while you find an ATM.  CDN cash dollars are not readily accepted by businesses as well as US cash.

    ATM has best exchange rate - funds are requested and doled out in Pesos. Find an ATM affiliated with your banck card to avoid extra charges. There is usally a 3000 peso max per day.

    Take some Traveller's cheques (in US or CDN) for emergencies.  I take $500 - haven't had to use in 25 years of going, but better to be safe than sorry.

    I would limit the use of credit cards - businesses there charge a % for use of the card - what they get charged by the Credit card company.

    Have a great holiday!

  2. One suggestion I always give people that are concerned is this :  Western Union the money to yourself. there are Western Union offices throughout the country ( big surprise ! ) and any time you need the $$ go find one and they hand it to you at the current exchange rat in PESOS.

    Its very difficult to exchange pesos back to dollars in the states so this idea is like a traveling safe bank account. If you don't spend it all its still sittin there for you when you return and in dollars. Low hassle factor..............

  3. I wouldn't carry a lot of cash, just enough to get you by when you first get there.  There are a lot of places to exchange your money, U.S. or Canadian. The best thing to do is use your debit card to get pesos from a bank machine when you get there.  That way you're going to get the best exchange rate.  Maybe take a couple of travelers cheques in case of emergency.  There are pick pockets abound as well so be cautious.

  4. pesos are better than dollars. you will get more bang for your buck.  Take an atm card too because right at the beginning of the main strip (the malacon) is an enclosed atm machine.

  5. Just take cash, American or Canadian is fine. You can exchange it there and the rate isn't too bad. If you pay with American or Canadian Cash you will get pesos as change. There is no need to change Canadian to American to Pesos, then you're just paying 2 exchange rates. Take lots of small American bills if you can to leave as tips!! Have fun!! Go to Bora Bora, it's the best club they have!!!

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