
Types of airport by apple?

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I am looking at the apples different versions of airport. Can you explain what an airport extreme base station, what an airport extreme card, and what airport express do and how much the monthly cost is if there is one.




  1. There is no monthly cost. The cost is what you pay to your internet provider (Verizon, Time Warner etc.)  to go on the internet. An Airport Extreme base station is a type "n" wireless router (longest distance, fastest speed). It would connect to your DSL or cable modem & provide wireless service. An Airport Extreme card is what you would put in an older Mac to go wireless & connect to the base station. All the new Macs already have one in them. An Airport Express is a mini version of the base station, like a portable one.

  2. These are all wifi products. The AirPort card comes standard in all Macs and you can use it to connect to any wireless network such as the one down at the corner coffee shop or the one you create in your own house by connecting an airport extreme, airport express, or any 3rd party wireless access point to your own home internet connection.

    If instead you're looking for cellular internet that can be picked up nearly anywhere you can get a cell signal then you'll need to talk to a cell provider. You'll need a cellular internet card and a data plan. These data plans can be expensive, have data caps, and are dog slow when compared to a real broadband connection.

  3. Airport Extreme: Wireless basestation/router used to share internet, hard drives, and printers. This is overkill for most people, but makes sharing a network hard drive very easy.

    Airport Express: Wireless base station designed for most home users. Used to create a home wireless network to share internet and printer. Has USB connector to share Printer and an audio output to play iTunes music over a home stereo.

    AirPort Extreme Card: This is a wireless card to add to your Mac to allow it to connect to a wireless network such as listed above. All new Macs include this.

    There is no monthly fee for these devices. You will need to have an internet connection to share which can be from Cable, DSL, or Satellite.

    Hope this helped

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