
Types of bird food for robins?

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There's a robin who has nested in our gables on our house. I was wondering what kind of bird seed/food I can buy that'll help her feed her babies. Should I buy worms?




  1. little miss robin has all the food she can handle if you try to add to what she will feed the baby's you could make matters worse --as such--she doesn't need to fly for food so she kicks back and sits at the nest site sooner or later Mr cat will spot her and then their is a different problem--one you made--think before you act

  2. crumbed husks of bread, if you put a piece of netting on a windowsill that small birds only can hop thru and put the crumbs behind it you'll win. If the windowsill is on the same wall even better...but not too close until birdie gets used to you. All birds will eat insects, worms and grubs they find for themselves and they'll have nested with you as natures food is at their nest step!  Please note tho'..if you put crumbs out for them...they will come to rely on it..generally in the warm months they can fend for themselves.

  3. It can eat chaney ki daal, green pea. Whether it eats worms or not I have no idea abot this, but you should try this at once. If it has  babies, then please take care of them by protecting them from other birds, cat etc. You not interfare much in it's life and take care only being far away.

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