
Types of creters athat are found on terrestrial planets with atmospheres?

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What type of craters are found on terrestrial planets with atmospheres?

Choose one.

A. Some are impact while most are volcanic.

B. Since meteorites burn up in the atmosphere, there are only volcanic craters.

C. Most are impact craters while a few are volcanic craters.

D. There are equal numbers of impact craters and volcanic craters.




  1. It's A. We used to think the answer was "B", but have since found that vegetation grows over and covers up most impact craters. Satelite photos have revealed this. Since we are doing your homework for you, who will do your thinking for you when you grow up?

  2. lol Mark, I was wondering the same thing!  

    --if you are confused about something and need clarification, that's one thing, but to outright ask us homework questions/take home quiz questions, that's tacky.  If you didn't want to learn this stuff, why did you take the class in the first place??

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